Leia Mais
In another work-related phone call on Wednesday, April 29, 2020, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai spent precious time to share Her love and wisdom, answering some questions that staff members had on various topics. During the conference, Master revealed further spiritual insights on the COVID-19 pandemic including Divine confirmation of its real source, and elaborated on Heaven’s strict order for humans in this period of time – and what it takes to go to Heaven. Among other topics, staff also asked Master for advice on how we can be better instruments for God. “Always be humble, humble, humble, and grateful, that’s all. Humble, grateful, respectful. If you cannot feel yourself humble enough pray for it: ‘Please make me more humble, as humble as possible so that I can serve God; I can serve the suffering, lessen their anguish and sorrow.’” For the full broadcast of this phone conference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, please tune in to Between Master and Disciples in the next few days.