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Thank Manjusri Bodhisattva, for concentrating all these 25 methods in a short poem for us. “The sea of enlightenment in Nature is perfect and clear. Complete, distinct Bodhi is a miraculous source. But when basic brightness shone so that objects appeared, With objects’ existence, the Nature’s brilliance ceased. Confusion and falseness bring about emptiness. Relying on emptiness, time and space take form. Thoughts settle, making countries and lands. What knows and feels becomes living beings. The emptiness created within Great Enlightenment, Is like a single bubble in all the sea. Lands like fine dust motes, subject to outflows, All come forth out of empty space. Just as the bubble bursts, space is no longer there. How much the less the three states of being! Returning to the Source, the Nature is not two. Many are the entrances through expedients; None of them does the sagely Nature fail to go through. Compliant or adverse, all is expedient. First resolve and entering samadhi, Come slow or fast as there are different norms.”