
The Most Important, God-Revealed Cause To Fall Into Hell, Part 7 of 11, Dec. 8, 2024

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If you are my God-disciple, then you have to do what I told you or what all the religious scriptures told you. You can read them and verify it. And if you come in, profess to be my disciple just to use it, your position and your little knowledge that you have stolen from me, to go out and delude people, and feed your ambitions, your ego, then the maya will make you his effective instrument. And then you’ll be his sub-servant, and you’ll do anything what he told you, or else. That’s why; like Ruma or Trần Tâm, or whatever all his names are, is doing it. He has no qualms about hurting any others and raping even children, just like those Catholic priests. I thought it wouldn’t happen in my group, but it did happen. At least the person named Trần Tâm, or Rumaji, whatever.

That’s a sad thing, but humans don’t listen easily to goodness or to the high knowledge or to true wisdom. It’s just so easy to fall into an easy life, tempted by all kinds of things that the maya has arrayed for them and once you’re in there, it’s difficult to get out. But there is still time. As long as I’m here, I will take you in my open arms and teach you, if you are sincere, if you really worship God and want to go Home, in God’s Domain, I always welcome you. Your karma, I will clean all up with no cost, nothing. I’ll never ask you for anything.

And I do some business, but it’s fair; more fair than even outside business. We take just 10% interest, so that we can continue and also help others. That’s why I’m not as rich as many people you think are rich. I’m rich, but not overly rich because I help others. I don’t earn as much, but I give a lot more than other people who have a lot more money, but don’t give. Anyway, it’s all God’s money. And if I give it, it’s all in the Name of God, and I know to thank God for that. And if God doesn’t want me to give anymore for any reason, then I have to stop. Right now, God doesn’t want me to give any more charity. Because Hes said that judgement has to be fair and straight. It cannot be helped by an outside factor, and by twisting the Law. Even if God sent you here or let you come here, God also has to be fair. Like for example, if you are American and went to a restricted country, your president cannot allow you to do something that is restricted in that restricted country. He can’t help you if you transgress that restricted law of the restricted country. But we still can do charity, the greatest possible charity, according to Buddhism. I will tell you.

Even if you do charity in this world, it cannot be that you are not pure and not good. That’s why the maya will use your charity and your ego that goes with the charity to punish you, because the devils will say that you are killing their creation, their citizens in this world, and you’re killing their animal-people to eat, for example like that. And you do unfair business, you take too much. You earn a little, but you take too much and became rich without fairness. Then he will use all that to punish you, to drag you to hell, or to take you into their fold to make you do more wicked deeds, so that they can punish others, caused by your belief, by following you, to do bad deeds. That’s what it is.

In Buddhism, Buddha also said that when you give with a pure heart in purity and the person who receives it is also pure in purity, then both will have merit; otherwise, not. Liang Wu-Ti, the Liang Emperor, was very proud. Because he built many temples and fed many monks to study Buddhism, he thought he’s top. But when he asked Great Master Bodhidharma how much merit does he have from building temples, feeding monks and all that, the Great Master Bodhidharma said to him, “Nothing. You have nothing.” And that’s why Emperor Liang was very angry and did not receive Bodhidharma well anymore after that. He didn’t want to see Him anymore. Bodhidharma was very polite. He just said, “You get nothing,” only. He should have told Emperor Liang that he would go to hell because of many other wicked deeds that he did. And if he’s not vegan, then it’s for sure. Mocking God, mocking Buddha, thinking he’s the one who feeds the monks, he’s the one who builds the temples.

Who gave him all this money? God did. God entrusted him with the throne to do good for people. And that’s normal. He should thank God, because he has a chance to do it. He has a position to do it. But all the money came from taxpayers. He’d never done anything good to earn it. That’s why he has no merit to begin with. But if he did thank God, thank the Buddha’s merit, and humbly know that it’s not him who is doing all that good, then he would have had great merit and become enlightened. And Bodhidharma would have taught the emperor the immediate enlightenment Quan Yin Method and he would have become a real saint, not just an outward performance. But, of course, being a king, you’re so used to being arrogant, and so used to people praising you sky-high, so it’s very difficult to be humble.

Many kings, many great leaders, went to hell. Most of them. I’m not sorry to say that because it is the truth. Only a king who is humble, who serves his people well, with all his good intentions and gives all thanks and credit to God, to Buddha, would go to Heaven. And he might be even lucky enough to meet a Perfect Master to teach him the liberating method, like the Quan Yin Method for example. But up to now, none of them has it. So, I just pray that at least they’re humble, they thank God, praise God with all their heart and humility every day. And thank God, thank the Saints and Sages for all that he has received and is receiving. I just hope at least, in their heart, they do that – but difficult, difficult. The higher the position, the more arrogant you will be. Just by the position! The high position breeds arrogance and soaks it into your being, your mind, your brain, and makes you become arrogant like that. This is the maya’s kind of natural occurrence, natural result of being in the higher position. That’s why sometimes before, I jokily told you, thank God that you are not a king.

That’s why arrogant people all go to hell, no exception. Those people who are near-death experiencers, at least they are not arrogant. That’s why they have been given another chance and chosen to come back to tell the world the truth about Heaven and hell, about all the things that we could do to make this world a better place, or at least make your life personally better. Because people who walk tall and talk big, like they are “very religious, very faithful” to God, all that, they went to hell because they abuse God’s Power, they abuse God’s Name for their own ego advantage. That is why you should never mock God. You should never abuse God’s Power, God’s Glory, to make your own personal gain and fame. That’s the worst thing you could do!

In Buddhism, there are also similar things, like if you’re not yet a Buddha and you claim to be a Buddha, then you will go to hell, forever even! That’s the greatest sin you can do. The same if you use God’s Power, God’s Name, God’s Glory, to build a net of ego, glamour for yourself, then definitely you’ll be punished. Not by God – by maya, ironically. Because you go into the maya’s domain, like this world, but you claim yourself to be a Buddha, meaning the opposite direction, the opposite power, and maya knows that you don’t have it, then of course they drag you down. There’s no even need for any excuse because you’re too vulnerable already. You have nothing, but you claim to be great so that people worship you, make offerings to you, or are even controlling people, oppressing people, or raping other people; for money, for fame, or for ugly, lowly, low-life desire. Then of course it’s enough for maya to drag you down to hell, because you don’t have any other power to be protected anyway.

Photo Caption: Royalty Is Not Just a Color, Its the Noble Heart Bloodline

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