
The Most Important, God-Revealed Cause To Fall Into Hell, Part 4 of 11, Dec. 8, 2024

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Even if you are initiated by a Grand Master like Baba Sawan Singh Ji, He said that many initiates go to hell. Because they just don’t do what the Master is teaching. They believe that initiation will make you fully bulletproof from these maya laws. No, you can’t be. If you are in any country, and if in a restricted country, you have to do what that government tells you, the law of that government, no matter how wicked, how cruel, how ridiculous, how low level, low life, you still have to obey it in order to survive there, to do your business there or to do whatever you do there.

So, you see, many spies will do the same like everybody else. They will have a job. They even have a family, children and all that, just like everyone, so nobody can suspect them. And like this Trần Tâm, again, he’s even stealing money from people, forcing people to offer money and property to him, and then he uses that to go buddy-buddy government officials so that he can get protection. It even says that in one of the reports they sent to me from my God-disciple, just to report things to me. I did not ask. I never knew I could know these things or I could get it, and I don’t know where to get anything like that. I’m too busy also.

But we will destroy all the maya and all the workers for maya if they don’t repent and erase their bad deeds and go into the Light. They will also be destroyed or locked in darkness and suffering forever. I’m telling you the truth. There’s no way they can escape, finally, because God is cleansing this world to make it a better place, to make it really an enlightened era and a paradise on Earth. But much rotten garbage has to be cleaned out first. That’s why we have so many disasters. Because of the karma of the world that helps maya.

God always wants to help us because God loves us. But if we follow maya, we do things exactly like the maya people would do: wicked deeds, killing others, fellow beings, or killing animal beings or trees, and incessantly and unnecessarily. Then God cannot help. And the maya would take all this bad energy to use. They thrive on bad energies, and they use this power to maneuver the fate of the people and the whole planet. And even God wants to help, but people refuse because they go in a different direction. So God has to clean it all up afterward. That’s the greatest help of God, to make this planet more paradise-like so everyone, the good ones, the deserving ones, will live in peace and blissfully. And this planet, after all upheavals, will join Celestial planets in the same level of goodness, protection, enlightenment, and be another paradise for all beings to enjoy.

And all the discarded stuff – even beings – have to go elsewhere or be destroyed forever, completely, no more existence. And God will take the soul back and then recreate it into another being, that soul that God takes back. So this is a very terrible time, but God also is always by us. It’s just we don’t listen. We go in the opposite direction. So the maya will catch you, will punish you, will drag you to hell. Because if you are not fit enough to be in Heaven, then you can’t go there. Just like if you’re a criminal in your country and have a police record, then you can’t get a visa to go to another country.

And even some countries, for example, recently the government of President Trump is considering, or will send back home many millions of the illegal people who even already have American citizenship because they are bad. They’re doing illegal things or bad things or criminal things, harmful to America. You see that? So, if the sinners are not cleaned all out, then they will continue to sin and to harm other good people. That’s why, just similarly, America is trying to get rid of harmful people to protect their good citizens. Even their own citizens, if they are no good, they put them in jail. So why should they tolerate the harmful people, bad people from other countries?

“Excerpt from ‘Life, Liberty & Levin’ by Fox News - Nov. 24, 2024, The Honorable Tom Homan: We know terrorists have crossed our border. Just take Tren de Aragua for example. They are a threat to our national security. The cartels of Mexico have killed a quarter of a million Americans with fentanyl. We have a lot of dangerous people in this country. We need to find and remove them because they directly pose the biggest national security threat to this country right now. And even Christopher Wray, who I have zero respect for, even he’s testified numerous times this is a huge national security threat.”

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Though he would use all possible wicked means to seduce people to fall, even maya also has some fairness. They tell you the Five Rules. If you don’t transgress them, they let you be reborn again or even go to a little higher Heaven, Astral Heavens or Second Heavens.

And some, if they’re really following God sincerely in the heart, then God and Heavens have the right, can use the Power to protect them, despite the collective karma. If a person is sincere and longing for God, or already knows how to practice like with the Quan Yin Method, to reach God immediately and continue in this lifetime, then maya cannot touch them because they are protected by powerful God’s Force, Heaven Force. Because God’s Force can completely envelop them, protect them.

But if you have a leaking hole – it’s like a water pipe – just one little leaking hole, the water will come out, and you will have less water and maybe it will take a longer time, or the water won’t go into your tank at all. That is the thing. It depends on how big the leak is. So, if you keep yourself intact within the Five Precepts perimeter – maybe perimeter, you can call it – then you’ll be safe and all God Powers will be there for you. Because you don’t know if you have enough merits from the last lives to protect you, to even out your bad deeds in this lifetime. So, you better just keep being good and avoid committing sins against the Five Precepts.

And another thing is, you don’t wear too many colorful clothes that are patched together or printed together like that, because the Heavenly Force will think that you belong to the maya family! Because the maya already said that at the time of the Dharma-Ending Age, meaning the True Teaching-Ending Age, like ours now, he will send all his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and all his clans, coming out to destroy the True Teaching of the Buddha.

But you have to know the True Teaching of the Buddha is the True Teaching of all religions! Buddha manifests Himself in different religious backgrounds in order to teach people of different mentalities, because it has been like that. So, the Buddha is Christ. The Buddha was Guru Nanak, for example like that. And many different Buddhas appear in different countries, different times in our world to teach different people with different beliefs, different mentalities, different affinities. So, in the Buddhist sutra, the Buddha explained more in detail about who is a Mara and how you recognize it. But many other Masters’ teachings are not as well-preserved as the Buddha’s teachings. Thus, we don’t hear so much detailed explanation as it is in Buddhism. Not because Buddhism is the best or better than any other religion, but all religions belong to God.

Photo Caption: Action That Bespeaks Love and Protectiveness

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