
Love Is All Inclusive, Part 4 of 5, May 28, 2007, Austria

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You’re doing something else that we’re not doing! If you do the same stuff, of course, they’ll say, “Oh, we have enough already. We still have a lot of dog(-people) programs waiting.” So, if your dog-person program comes in, it’ll be too many already – for example, like that. Do something extraordinary, something for your country, to bring peace into the world. And if peace is in the world, dog(-people) also benefit. Peaceful people will love dog-people more and take care more. And in a peaceful country, animal-people will be well cared for because they (people) will have time, they will have enough prosperity, money, and peace of mind to think more compassionately.

We just give a reward with all good intention and love. So, if they decline, then we don’t do anything. That’s OK. We still announce on [Supreme Master] TV that they are good people, and so and so. So whatever, it doesn’t matter to us, really. If we can present them, personally, that’s wonderful. If not, then it’s fine. We still glorify them, “behind their back.” We honor them on [Supreme Master] TV and in our magazine, and it’s also fine. And they still have received the letter of compliments and all that.

(There are always other people, so this girl didn’t know anything.) Understand, yes. Sometimes it depends on... (She is the most responsible.) Yeah, sometimes it depends on who receives it. And if they see this thing: “Ah, that’s nothing! Not important! I don’t even know who Supreme Master Ching Hai is. It cannot be important.” Chuck, in the garbage! And the president doesn’t even know about it. So we will see, whatever karma, it doesn’t matter to us. We want to present to people to make them happy and to make other people know the example, that’s all. There’s nothing for us there.

Anything else? (Yes, Master. The other day, You talked about the hotels around here, and You said there was a dirty hotel.) What? (You said there was a hotel) Dirty hotel. (that had a very dirty beach. I think I heard You say it was very cheap.) No! It’s not cheap! That’s the problem. (OK. But my suggestion was that we’d go and clean it up.) And you’d pay? (No, I don’t have the money for that.) I am sorry, me neither. (Bad suggestion then, sorry.) Not for cleaning up a hotel. I mean, if I have that much money, I’d buy a cleaner hotel. It looks better, more room and don’t have to clean. You can come in right away.

How many of you would come and clean up? I know. One? Thank you very much. That hotel – oh God, the beach and everything… And you can’t clean up because it belongs to somebody else. If it’s our hotel, of course, we can clean it. But we don’t want to start with doing that. If they sell it cheap, reasonable price even, maybe. But you have to start from A to Z, that hotel. No, it’s not worth it, that’s all. Very expensive for nothing. That’s what I mean. [They] want to sell it, but too dirty and did not take care. So dirty, and everything’s so bad.

What else? (Can I ask? Maybe You’ve cleared it up already. The “Supreme Master Television” – the name. The first time, they told us not to translate it into our language. And now, a couple of months ago, they told us to translate, and we used it for all the old Supreme Master Television. It is a decision for the future. What is Your suggestion? Should we use “Supreme Master Television” in all countries, or should we translate it into our language?) I no capisce (don’t understand). (“Supreme Master” – should it stay in English in every country?) Ah, OK, I understand. You want to translate into your language? (No.) No? OK, then we keep it like that. Everybody understands it. (OK.) Just a little English, I think everybody understands. (OK. Thank You.)

Otherwise, when they see your program, and they look at the English... “Hey?” They’re two different things! (OK.) Just use English. The title is English. (Yes, title.) Everything else you can translate, of course. Supreme Master Television is just one. (Yes!) Better, better. Uniform, like they have CNN in different countries – only CNN. (Yes!) Or BBC, or whatever branches they have. OK? (Thank You.) You’re welcome. It’s less confusing. Yes, less confusing. The name of the [Supreme Master] Television should stay the same, yes.

(A while back, when we were doing programs for Supreme Master Television, [Supreme Master] TV in LA [Los Angeles] said that we had to ask for permission to be approved to be on TV. Is that still on? I mean, because they want native speakers, and they want native people to do that country’s program.) You have to do it and then send it there, and you have to make it clear and beautiful. And then, if they accept your program, we shall air it. (OK, so...) Just for that program, just for that country’s traditional program, just for one or two programs.

(I think part of the reason why some of the programs were canceled was because we weren’t native speakers or that we weren’t approved, so to speak. And I just wanted to see if we still need to go through…) No, it’s not necessary. Nothing really canceled. (Because it wasn’t approved.) No, nothing, nobody canceled anything yet. (OK.) Except yesterday, Zagreb, and he sent me some news. And he complained that the capital is different, that’s all. The picture’s different, and they didn’t air the whole thing. They aired only a few lines. (OK. We’ll send in programs. Thank You, Master.)

This is normal with TV! They sometimes don’t use the whole thing. They edit it according to the importance of the news, and according to the time of the day, and if that day we have enough time to air more or less. And then sometimes they go into detail, another day, if it’s important enough. You see, like sometimes they just air, like, “Today we go and give an award to Shana the dog(-person).” Something like that. But next week, they have a full program about how he did it and what else about his life. (Thank You, Master.) My God, you want everything yesterday.

At least you translate all the programs into Italian, and that’s very fine already. Oh, what do you mean there isn’t any? There’s some guy somewhere, at least. He was running around somewhere. (Yes, he’s Swiss.) (He’s Swiss.) Swiss, but he can do. (But he speaks Italian.) Ah, I see. There’s another Italian guy who’s also a co-host on Supreme Master TV, the skinny guy. (Yes, that’s the Swiss.) And there’s another guy with… Both are Swiss? (He’s the only one.) No, there’s another one. I know it. No! I know a couple more because I checked. (Really?) Yeah, of course, they sent me information. Maybe he speaks French or something. (Yes.)

([We’ll] send it in and see what happens.) Yeah! Just do it and send it in, OK? (OK. Because we really want to do something for some…) Yes, I understand. (Thank You, Master.) Never mind, you just do it, send it in. And just tell them I said so. And then they’ll send the program to me, and I’ll see what happens. This is not really that important, anyway. In the whole program, your face appears only a few times. And the rest are just pictures and history, or illustrations and all that. It’s not about showing your face, actually; it’s about a program. So, I guess it’s just one case; not every case is like that. But try to have more impersonal things. It’s not only about dog-people all the time. It’s a program for humans as well. Not because we have dog-(-people) and are passionate about dog(-people) that every day dog(-people), and every week dog(-people). It’s not like that. It’s for humans.

Dog-people, they are fine. I tell you honestly, even if a dog-person is abused and dies, it’s the person who abused him who will be in trouble. The dog(-person) will go to Heaven. Physical suffering: we humans also have to suffer, even though sometimes nobody abuses us. But the cancer, the sickness, and all kinds of (things) abuse us also. It’s not very easy to avoid suffering in this world physically. So, do something for your country. We are doing it for the dog-people already. They put dog(-people) there almost every week. And we put all the names of the dog-people centers, animal-people centers, all free of charge – all the time, day in, day out. So don’t just squeeze in all together, doing one job.

You’re doing something else that we’re not doing! If you do the same stuff, of course, they’ll say, “Oh, we have enough already. We still have a lot of dog(-people) programs waiting.” So, if your dog-person program comes in, it’ll be too many already – for example, like that. Do something extraordinary, something for your country, to bring peace into the world. And if peace is in the world, dog(-people) also benefit. Peaceful people will love dog-people more and take care more. And in a peaceful country, animal-people will be well cared for because they (people) will have time, they will have enough prosperity, money, and peace of mind to think more compassionately.

If they are at war with each other, or even economically, politically at war with each other, they don’t care about the dog(-people). They couldn’t even care about themselves! If there are refugees everywhere, people don’t even have food to eat, don’t even have rooms to stay! They don’t care about dog(-people)! Do you understand what I’m saying? (Yes.) You have to do what’s important, what’s the priority. Not that we want to neglect one or another, but we are doing it already!

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