
Love Is All Inclusive, Part 2 of 5, May 28, 2007, Austria

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Right now, I just go like that, with the flow, with Heaven’s arrangement. It’s not even I who arranges all that. I have to ask “the accountant,” because it’s not necessarily that they come and it’s good for me. Not necessarily like that. It’s just their account, their “bank,” or whatever that is. You know, there are regulators of the Universe. I’m not taking care of these things. Truly not. The president, for example, even though he’s the president, he doesn’t take care of all the accounting and who is working in the House. It belongs to the chief of staff.

I don’t know what else to say. Are you leaving, all of you, this afternoon? (Yes. No.) Most of you? (Mostly.) You have to leave now? (Yes.) (No.) Not yet. (Tomorrow.) Tomorrow? (Tomorrow we’re leaving.) Leaving now. OK, OK. Have a good time at home, and remember I love you guys. I do! Otherwise, why do I go through trouble to come here to see you? Even I have a house for you, but why have trouble coming all this way? After the airplane episode, I could make excuses and say, “Oh, no. I’m not going. I’m tired. I tried two times, three times, and that doesn’t work, so bye-bye!” But I did try to come by train to see you.

Honestly, I did not think about the train, to tell you the truth. Because I haven’t traveled by train for a long time, I forgot that exists. And I also didn’t know where to go, what. I did not think about that until the last minute, last minute. Last minute, on the way home already. I thought, “Oh! There’s another option!” But I didn’t know how long it takes. Because they told me it’d take a long time, like 20 hours or something. It did take more than 20 hours!

Don’t feel bad. You never know! Now you think you feel bad because you cannot come to see me and stay with me, but if you stay with me, maybe you’ll feel different! You’ll say, “Oh, God! What a mistake I made! Where was my head when I raised my hand and gave Her my ID card?”

What? (Master, I just want the truth about me.) The what, love? (Just the truth about me.) Yes. (Because when You said that it’s going to be hard for me and this and that, my mind’s saying, “But I can manage a tent. I can manage hardship. I’ve had hardship most of my life.” It’s only been in the later part of my life since I met You that I…) I know, but I don’t know why – you will leave. That’s the thing. (But Master, You’re God. You should be able to tell me. I need You to tell me.) I tell you; you will leave. (But why? What’s wrong with me?) That’s that. It’s just like that. Your mind will tell you at that time that you must go. (Is it because I’m not a strong enough practitioner?) It’s your karma like that. (OK.) You will leave me after a short period, so there’s no need to mess up your life right now. (OK.) OK, love?

I do love you very much. I really wish you could come. You’re a good driver, and you talk so sweet. She always says, “Master.” I love that. When I was in Africa, she drove me every day and she sweet-talked my ears every day, so sweet and like honey. That’s why when you said you have a temper, and you’re angry with your boyfriend, I could not believe you. Because she’s so sweet with me. A driver like that, you have every day, just to hear the sweet talk. “Master, You are great.” “Master, You are beautiful.” She always says things like that. I don’t know if any boyfriend could ever get mad with you. If you keep saying things like that to him just the way you talk to me, then he’ll be “dead,” he’ll be your puppet. Just say, “Honey, you’re handsome.” Use your voice, your good, sweet voice.

I am so sorry, really. Maybe your karma will change one day. Not for the moment. It might change. Who knows? Change your mind, change your heart... “Change your heart! Change your life! We love you! We’ll be your friend!” So cute. I’m really sorry also. I really would like to have you, also, myself. So let’s just play the game, keep going on. See how far life takes us. Honestly, I’m also helpless. I used to have some people in my house who are so harmful to me that... I still have them. And some people I like and get on well with, I can’t (have them stay). Maybe they don’t need. They think they need, but they don’t need. Some people, I need to help to clean their karma; some people, I don’t. And some people are OK to come, some people are not OK to come. God knows why. Just enjoy your new boyfriend. At least you have that to come home to. No? Oh, baby. Suppose I let you go now: You sell all your house and everything, you leave your boyfriend, and you have nothing at all. And then one day you tell yourself to leave, how will you survive?

(But Master, why is the desire so strong then? Because it’s not only when I’m with You in Your company, it’s even at home, I can go for days longing for You.) I know, my God, terrible. (The longing is… It’s not that I’m being like a spoiled child that wants my own way all the time.) No, no. It’s not, it’s not. (It’s just I can’t manage the feeling inside, and after so long...) Yeah, because we were together. Because we were together in Africa, and you sweet talked to me every day. (No, even before that, Master.) Before that. And you sweet talked to me and then that made me love you so much and also, we had like good affection, that’s why you missed it so much. But I can’t go to Africa, and let you drive every day again. Maybe things will work out differently. OK? (OK.) Don’t just think so badly like that. It could be for a good reason. Why don’t you think positive? We have [Supreme Master] TV. (OK.) It’s for the positive. You know, you never know what’s good for you.

Right now, I just go like that, with the flow, with Heaven’s arrangement. It’s not even I who arranges all that. I have to ask “the accountant,” because it’s not necessarily that they come and it’s good for me. Not necessarily like that. It’s just their account, their “bank,” or whatever that is. You know, there are regulators of the Universe. I’m not taking care of these things. Truly not. The president, for example, even though he’s the president, he doesn’t take care of all the accounting and who is working in the House. It belongs to the chief of staff. He arranges all that. And maybe later the president can say, “Oh, please change to somebody else.” Maybe. But the chief of staff takes care, regulates all that. And he screens out all the things, clearance and all that. I also don’t know why I couldn’t take you, but just not right now. Everybody else, understand? (Yes.)

Because right now, you feel very positive. But when you come, you will leave, something like that. Or something else will happen, it’s no good. Please don’t be angry at me and don’t be upset. I wish I could take all of you, I tell you honestly, because it’s fun to be together. Every day we eat something together, and then we meditate. And if I feel like it, I come and talk to you. A good reason to wear nice clothes and take care of myself. That’s why some of you say to me: Oh, the more I work, the more I look younger. It’s because I’m putting cream on, and all that stuff. At home, I don’t care. I let myself go, at home. So, the ones who fall in love with my face right now, be prepared for an old, rumpled, wrinkled woman when you live around me. I’m not always wearing like this, sitting in front of a camera, smiling and giving (vegan) chocolates, candies and bedtime stories. If you fall in love with that, then be prepared for some surprise.

That’s why some people, they’re also disappointed when they stay with me, because there’s nothing much going on. That’s one of the reasons. Not always, but some like that. Or sometimes karma pulls them out. Or sometimes they have to do some other work somewhere else. Or sometimes their relatives complain inside, and they have to go. Otherwise, they might have accidents or something in my house, due to the ill will of other people or the bad projection from other people. Do you understand all this? (Yes.) OK, thank you. So, don’t blame me alone. It’s the intricate system of karma. You come here, you’re all connected with other people, and they influence you a great deal. Understand? (Yes.) Yes, ma’am?

So, what do I do now? I give you some (vegan) candies. How about that? The people who cannot come, come here. Who cannot come to stay with me, come and get (vegan) candy personally. Maybe that will help you a little bit. The people who can come just stay put. You have. OK. There you are. Don’t worry, I love you very much. (Me too.) I do, I really do. (Thank You, Master.) There you are. Don’t worry, I didn’t check any of your criminal records. If I checked, I’d probably not want to see any of you. (Thank You.) It’s not like that, no. OK. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Come. It’s alright, love. Here you are. But thank you so much for your love. Just for the time being, and you will be fine. Look at how many people cannot come. Join the club. See? You joined the majority. You’re strong. These are only the minority. The ones who lost the election, come here. Not really. You lose something, you win something else, always. Try to live a simple life, just like you would live with me then. Try to live a simple life at home. (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome. There. You’re welcome. I’m sorry. There. There. German? (Yes.) Sorry. (No problem.) (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome.

She also applied many times. I feel sorry for her. (I will try again.) Try again? (Yes.) She said, “I will try again.” Such a thick skin. (Thank You.) You’re welcome. Thank you and sorry. But don’t say sorry, I shouldn’t say sorry. It’s just no big deal. It’s different, everybody has a different job, different fate. That’s all. It doesn’t mean one is better. Because you are so sticky, you want to stick near me. What can I do? I’ll try to see you more often if I can. But then you will lose your money – savings, because of airplane ticket and train ticket. That’s why I can’t even see you too often. You don’t have? You also applied? (Yes.) Oh, sorry. I didn’t see you looking like that in the photo. Never mind, she has enough. The rest you can pick up if you want.

Alright then, anybody else complain? (Master.) Yeah. (I’ll move to Europe to be closer to You.) You did move? (I’m going to.) Oh! How do you know I’m going to live in Europe? (I don’t know, it’s just my feeling.) Who knows, I might go to Africa! Who knows? I don’t even know it! (I’ll move back.) I don’t even know it. Whatever you feel like, you do it, alright? I’m really so sorry. Maybe in the future, it might work out differently. Like she said, “I’ll try again!” Alright? Everything OK? Yeah, so sorry, all these beautiful faces. “Maybe only ugly people can come!” Say that to yourself! I don’t know. You know, I don’t know if it’ll work out with them, also. I just know that they’re OK, they could come. And then we will see. We will see. See if they even like it, or I even like it. Alright, don’t worry. You have nothing to lose, really. Oh, who knows? OK, good! Who is this here? (That was the sister’s downstairs.) OK. There you are. I just didn’t want somebody to lose it.

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