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Both of them went through the whole country, and hadn't seen anything, anywhere suitable except the park garden of Prince Kỳ-đà (Jeta). So Sariputra said to the prime minister Tu Đạt (Sudatta), "Oh, this one is good, because there are a lot of trees, a lot of shade, and it's not very near a noisy, dusty city. But it's also not too far. Because if it's too far, then it's very inconvenient for the monks to go begging for alms. If it's too near the city, then it's too noisy. It's difficult for them to concentrate, distracted, so it's very difficult to meditate." So the prime minister went to the prince and said, "Your Royal Highness, I have a lot of lands and gardens, and property, but they are not good enough for an ashram to invite the Buddha to our country to preach, so that all our citizens have benefit. We went everywhere. We saw only your garden is the best, very big, and a lot of trees, and very cool and shady. I would like to buy this garden from you to make an ashram for the Buddha. Will Your Highness agree?"