
Supreme Master Ching Hai's Quotes on Climate Change: A Report on Our Ocean Life

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There are 400 ocean dead zones already or getting worse. Today, 50% of coral is dead. The coral reef is the protection of the ocean, for the fish and all the marine life and protects us as well. Overfishing has wiped out 90% of big fish.

It can take three pounds of wild fish to grow one pound of farmed fish. It’s not just feeding humans, they feed other fish, and then sell that. It’s a lot of waste. Waste on money, waste on food, and then creates climate change also. It affects everybody, vegan and non-vegan. That is not fair.

We try our best and spread it out, so maybe one day everybody becomes vegan.

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 25% of fish caught are fed to livestock. They feed the fish with it, and then feed the livestock with fish also. Twenty-five percent of it.

“Globally, pigs and chickens alone consume six times the amount of seafood as do American consumers.” My God! “And twice as much as Japanese consumers.” And the Japanese are famous for eating fish. You know that. They live on fish, right? And all the pigs and chickens are eating more than them, twice as much as the Japanese. Can you imagine?

“Biomass of Popularly Eaten Fish” is like this: In 1900 they eat less and today in 2000 more.” It’s all empty here. So 90 million (metric) tons of fish are caught every year.

My God! How can the stomachs bear so much weight from animals? By comparison, the entire human population’s weight is 316 million tons (286.7 million metric tons).”

My God! Talking about greed and gluttony.

Watch or download the full lecture “Vegan Trends Around the World” for free at by searching: “Vegan Trends”
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