A heartline from Ukraine: Thanks to Master Ching Hai for protection and help
A heartline from Ukraine: Thanks to Master Ching Hai for protection and help
2022-03-14 3166 Views
Adopting the vegan diet willingly with repentance and playing the Buddha Chanting from a Living Master day and night helps a family member survive a life-threatening disease
The Quan Yin Method Helps Me Through the Coronavirus Infection Crisis
The Quan Yin Method Helps Me Through the Coronavirus Infection Crisis
2022-02-23 3853 Views
Inner Experience: How can such a devil be revered as the pope?
Inner Experience: How can such a devil be revered as the pope?
2022-02-15 3633 Views
Story Sharing: Wonderful communication with flatfish-people friends
Story Sharing: Wonderful communication with flatfish-people friends
2022-02-12 2519 Views
The God power within us is infinitely powerful and responsive to our needs. We must use it continuously to survive in this world, especially now in these troubled times.
Heartline: When a woman is pregnant with a child, it is a result of the universal arrangement. Parents should welcome and take care of them no matter what happens.
Testimonies: Demons possess human beings and send out dark, evil energy. Only by following the teachings of the enlightened Master can we have true wisdom and protection.
Heartline - Join in the World Vegan Prayer to Help More Heaven's Light Enter the Earth
“Fish-people Are Calling for Help”—Harming the fish-people is harming yourselves
“Fish-people Are Calling for Help”—Harming the fish-people is harming yourselves
2022-01-18 2339 Views
Planet Earth is our shared home–humans and animal people alike. We should care for and love one another
Please, no more abortions! Please listen with your heart to the babies’ eagerness to come into the world
Testimonies: I am determined to get initiation after witnessing how my grandmother went to Heaven when she passed away
Heartline - During the pandemic, we can greet each other by having palms folded together and bowing
Heartline: Eating animal-people will cause them to get even with you at night; initiation with a Living Master will liberate all the souls of the creditors and enemies from many lifetimes
Abortion Should Be Immediately Outlawed Worldwide
Abortion Should Be Immediately Outlawed Worldwide
2021-12-02 5523 Views
The nightmares caused by the abortions came to an end due to God’s infinite Grace and Spiritual Practice
Personal Experience: The virus has a soul! I felt the power of repentance and forgiveness
Heartline: If possible, please leave some rice and water outdoors for bird-persons to eat