
Selections from The Sword of Wisdom for Thoroughly Ascertaining Reality by Mipham Rinpoche (vegetarian) – Verses 66 to 104, Part 2 of 2

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“In this, all things without exception are seen in their ultimate state of equality, and with this certainty about what is itself beyond expression, skillfully, one expresses the unending treasury of Dharma. Having become learned in the ways of the two truths, when seeing the reality of their inseparable unity, one knows that, just as a husk is removed to reveal the grain, all the various methods are simply to lead one to this point.

With the thought, ‘Skilled in means are the Buddhas, and all these methods make a genuine path,’ an irreversible sense of confidence will arise in the teachers and their teachings. By gaining the supreme non-abiding wisdom, naturally, one is freed from the extremes of existence and quiescence, and the ornament of great and effortless compassion arises to pervade throughout the furthest reaches of space and time.

When the correct approach to the two truths is realized through contemplating the four reasonings, in this way, it brings the four genuine reliances. From such a supreme and flawless cause as this comes the result of profound primordial wisdom. When this experience is developed to its fullest, it releases the eight great treasures of confidence that were sealed within the absolute space of awareness.

Scriptures heard and contemplated in the past are never forgotten – this is the treasure of recollection. Knowing precisely their profound and vast points – this is the treasure of intelligence. Understanding all the themes of the sutra and tantra collections – this is the treasure of realization. Never forgetting any detail from one’s studies – this is the treasure of retention. Satisfying all beings with excellent explanations – this is the treasure of confidence. Safeguarding the precious treasury of sacred teachings – this is the treasure of Dharma. Not severing the continuous line of the Three Jewels – this is the treasure of bodhicitta (enlightenment-mind). Gaining acceptance of the nature of equality beyond arising — this is the treasure of accomplishment. Someone who has mastered these eight great inexhaustible treasures will never separate from them, and will be praised by the Buddhas and Their heirs and become a sovereign of the three worlds.

The valid teachings of the victorious Buddhas are established by the valid cognitions, so, by developing confidence through the valid path, the true result of the valid teachings will be seen. With noble vision, completely and utterly pure, and great compassion that has reached perfection, the bliss-gone Buddha revealed the path and said, ‘The taste of this nectar I have discovered, should be experienced by means of the four reasonings and the four reliances.’ Although a portion of this elixir has now been shared, in this modern age rife with degeneration, Through all the methods that run counter to this approach, it is difficult to savor the supreme taste of the teachings.”
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