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Multi-part Series on Ancient Predictions about our Planet: Prophecy Part 297 - Prophecies of Lord Jesus Christ (vegetarian): The End-Times Tribulations and The Second Coming

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“Christ on a White Horse Now I saw Heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a Name written that no one knew except Himself. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”

In today’s show, we delve into the later chapters of the Book of Revelation which foretell Lord Jesus’ appearance in the final battle. Lord Jesus Christ (vegetarian) is prophesied to appear as the “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” to lead His Heavenly army to defeat the forces of evil.

Christ on a White Horse Now I saw Heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a Name written that no one knew except Himself.

He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His Name is called The Word of God. And the armies in Heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

These verses describe a vision of Lord Jesus Christ returning in glory to defeat the forces of evil, and establish His Kingdom on Earth. For this Divine mission, the armies of Heaven will accompany Him. We believe this prophecy is being fulfilled by the Most Compassionate Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan), the present reincarnation of Lord Jesus Christ.

In their inner visions, various Association members have seen this Heavenly Legion, including the 12 Apostles who have come to Earth to help Supreme Master Ching Hai’s mission during these end times.

“In my inner vision, I saw twelve Apostles of Jesus standing together on a round platform suspended in the universe. The appearances of the majority were Asians, and many of them were Chinese and Taiwanese (Formosan) fellow practitioners I know. There were also a few foreigners whom I didn’t know. The inner message told me that these twelve Apostles have now all returned to the Earth to help Master’s work.” “…In my past lives, I did the work of Jesus Christ, and now I continue with Master.” ETC…

The sword that comes out of the mouth of Jesus Christ could indicate the wisdom and power of His words as He lovingly advises people on how to avoid the evil traps that are within the world that bind us here and may lead to hellish realms. It may also refer to the courageous way in which He exposes the evils carried out by murderous governmental leaders, imposters who pretend to be religious leaders, and the wicked nature of other industries that exist in the world.

Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) has been shedding light on various phenomena of the complicated and deceitful side of this world which makes humans easily get lost. Since early on in Her mission, She has been advising people to avoid the “4 Killers” which means to stop using drugs or intoxicants, stop drinking alcohol, stop tobacco usage with no more smoking, and to stop eating the flesh, eggs and milk of innocent animal-people. She has been actively informing the world about the harmful effects of these 4 harmful substances, and has revealed the suffering and destruction that these industries cause with personally designed flyers, speaking at conferences, delivering lectures, writing books, screenplays and video productions etc.

“War is not the worst thing that happens to us. There are far worse killers. […] These silent killers, they are unnoticed by most of us. They are in our home every day. I will try to point them out. […]”

The Top Killers

KILLER #1: ANIMAL-PEOPLE MEAT or animal products, animal so-called ‘food.’ Surprised? There will be more. (ANIMAL-PEOPLE) MEAT kills literally billions. A staggering 55 billion animal(-people), 8 times, 8 times, 8 times, the entire global human population, are killed for human consumption each and every year. […]

Humans die, too, each year because of (animal-people) meat and fish, and anything related to animal(-people) consumption. Nearly 33 million people succumb to (animal-people-)meat- related diseases annually through heart disease, cancer and other conditions that claim the lives of more than 90,000 persons each day. […]

And then there are those who cannot obtain food because the grains they need are used to feed animal-people that will be killed for meat. Approximately 25,000 people die of hunger every day, on top of the 90,000 people who die because of (animal-people) meat. […]

And now on top of this, we have hundreds of thousands of people die each year, as the victims of animal-people meat-caused global warming. […] (Animal-people) meat causes global warming, and kills, and kills and kills. Therefore, ANIMAL-PEOPLE MEAT is murder, a crime that must be stopped. […]


“Luckily for us, we can escape all that suffering and prevent all this suffering for our loved ones by avoiding alcohol.”

KILLER #3: DRUGS “Now we come to killer number three. Namely, DRUGS. Drugs destroy lives, intelligence and function of countless of our kind, wreaking grief and havoc on families, darkening or terminating people’s future, youths’ future especially, as youths are impressionable and easily fall into this kind of temptation. […]

KILLER #4: TOBACCO […] Nearly five and a half million people every year are robbed of their life-breath by TOBACCO. […]

ALL these crimes of killing – from (ANIMAL-PEOPLE) MEAT, ALCOHOL, DRUGS, TOBACCO – MUST AND WILL stop.”


More recently, through Her straightforward words, She has been exposing the real identities of certain leaders and their true motives.

I don’t know why they don’t kick Biden out of the White House. He’s the biggest devil of all. (Wow.) Bigger than Putin. (Wow.) […] He’s a worse butcher than Putin, by preventing people to help Ukraine (Ureign) in time of need. Not only doesn’t help, but prevents people. He truly wants Ukraine (Ureign) to die. (Yes.) […]

The NATO chief is also the same. (Wow.) Of course, you can see what he does.”

“Jens Stoltenberg – Mar. 17, 2022: Of course, we support peace efforts. We call on Russia to and President Putin to withdraw its forces, but we have no plans of deploying NATO troops on the ground in Ukraine.”

“He doesn’t help, nothing. He doesn’t even let Ukraine (Ureign) join. […]

Ah, man. All these people. They are all murderers in different ways. (True.) They are only murderers, and evil. Uglier than sin. Only hell will be able to tolerate them, with fire, of course, in locks and chains, and all kinds of torture instruments. They cannot escape.”

“(Master, the Senate Minority Leader Mr. McConnell originally criticized Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. But now he says that there is not going to be an impeachment of Biden, even though there were some politicians who called for it. Master, what is the reason for Mr. McConnell’s final decision? It seems that he has changed his mind on Biden.) He did that all the time. He plays this kind of ping pong. […]

He’s just trying so hard to protect his position. He doesn’t want to offend anybody. But he plays this kind of strategy. […] I’m sure maybe somebody advised him badly or something. If it’s him, then he’s really wicked. (Yes, Master.) Has no morals. No loyalty to his own citizens, to his own country. And not a good employee for his people, who paid him well. (Yes, Master. True.)”

(Master, why wouldn’t Vice President Pence overturn the election?) Why? Because he’s not for Trump. (Oh.) He’s not in that party. (Oh.) Just like you have a spy in your country, from the enemy, from the opposition, or something like that. (Yes, Master.) […]

Deep in his heart, he did not want to do it. He did not want Trump to be president. (Oh.)”


Supreme Master Ching Hai shared some of those who are on the positive side as well, despite media appearances portraying a different picture of them.

“Kim Jong-un, he has not a very low positive power in him. So he doesn’t have a killer instinct. No, zero. And he listens to the truth. He doesn’t like flattery. He will listen to the truth. That’s what he is. So I think people should have more respect for him, and just don’t worry about it. And you have to talk fairly, yeah? Fairly.”

“(Master, did Chairman Kim Jong Un come to Earth for a peace-making role or another role to benefit our planet?) You can see that from what he does. (Yes, Master.) Same answer with President Trump. (Yes, thank You, Master.)

(Master talked about good leaders in the last conference. Why are the leaders that are good seem to be portrayed as the very opposite of that? Is that part of maya/negative forces, or is there a purpose behind it?) Yeah, it’s the negative forces. And they have to bear it. (Yes.) If it’s too good, just to come down and help people, make peace, make vegan laws and… everyone can do it. (Understand.) But, of course, the Master Power supports good leaders. (Yes, Master.) Still, they are blinded by the influence of this world, by the things that they have to eat as a part of the game. (Yes, Master.)”

He (President Trump) could have done much, much more. The second term, he would have pushed more, more and more good issues and really re-arranged the system of the country and really brought more peace and prosperity for the people of the United States of America. But, unfortunately, the other side, the opposite side of God, (Yes.) they prepared too well. (Yes, Master.) […]

And I told you, it’s nobody’s fault. It’s the demons. (Yes, Master.) They hang around many people. And they push them to do wrong things. OK? (Yes, Master.) […]

And some souls who have been in bad affinity with the American people about the (animal-people) meat and about the wars, they don’t let go. (Yes, Master.) Because their anger, their hatred, all overwhelmed their angel side of their souls, so they did not want to let go, they want to revenge. (Yes, Master.) They really want to destroy America. I’ll try my best to guard it. (Thank You, Master.) Regardless or not if Mr. Trump is in office, of course it’s better with President Trump because his frequency is higher. I will still continue to try my best and pray for your country. (Thank You very much, Master.)”


The line, “He had a name written which no one knew but Himself,” could refer to Lord Jesus’ mysterious Identity. Known only to Jesus Christ Himself, and reflecting the truth of His Divine Nature, the name also reveals His relationship to the Father, and His relationship to humanity, which transcends all human understanding.

As revealed by Supreme Master Ching Hai, who we believe is the present reincarnation of Lord Jesus Christ (vegetarian), Her Name in the Original Universe is “Tim Qo Tu”, meaning both “Loved Lord of all worlds” and “the Lord who loves all worlds.”

His robe and thigh bearing the inscription “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS,” seems to match well with Her Identity.

(Master, what is Your position up in the Original Universe?) We don’t have positions like up and down, high and low like what we are here. But over there, I am called by all the Beings there as ‘Tim Qo Tu.’ […] It means “the loved Lord of all worlds.” All the worlds.

Here, we say things the other way. Like ‘the Lord that all worlds love.’ (Yes, Master.) But in the other language, in Their language, it’s a little different, like, ‘All worlds Lord love.’ It means ‘the Lord that all worlds love.’”

The ‘Tim Qo Tu’ doesn’t just mean ‘all worlds’ beloved Lord,’ but also means ‘the Lord who loves all worlds.’ You see that? ‘Tim’ is ‘all worlds.’ ‘Qo’ is ‘Lord.’ ‘Tu’ is ‘love.’ ‘All worlds the Lord loves.’ Or you can say, ‘All worlds love the Lord.’ It’s all the same. This is a very tricky word, so you can translate both ways. You see, ‘all worlds love Lord.’ Just like ‘you I love.’ ‘All worlds Lord loves.’ Just like ‘you I love.’ But of course, if Tim Qo Tu loves all the worlds, then of course, all the worlds also love Tim Qo Tu. That is natural, so no need to say it is explained this way or the other way. But if you see the word clearly, just like, just say, ‘Py-O-Tu’ – ‘I love you,’ right? (Yes, Master.) ‘Py’ goes first, you see that? ‘You I love.’ So ‘Tim Qo Tu’ – ‘all worlds the Lord loves.’ You see what I mean? (Yes, Master.) And if that Lord loves all worlds, then naturally all worlds also love the Lord. It’s natural… you know, it corresponds.”

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