
Vegan Street Fair in Alameda, CA, USA

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In Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association News from the United States…

On August 24 and 25, 2024, our Association members from California participated in the Vegan Street Fair Bay Area 2024, held in Alameda, California. The event featured a vibrant selection of vendors offering a wide range of vegan products, including vegan food, vegan cheese, vegan baked goods, and vegan leather alternatives. In addition to the delicious vegan offerings, attendees enjoyed live music throughout the event.

Our Association members set up a table where they live-streamed Supreme Master TV and provided complimentary copies of Master’s books, including “Love Is The Only Solution,” “From Crisis to Peace: The Organic Vegan Way is the Answer,” and a sample booklet of “The Key to Immediate Enlightenment.” To promote the benefits of the compassionate vegan lifestyle, they also distributed informative factsheets, vegan recipe books, Supreme Master TV pamphlets, and a small booklet featuring Master’s aphorisms along with climate change information.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the organizers and vendors participating in this Vegan Street Fair. Your unwavering commitment and compassionate efforts to promote veganism inspire countless individuals and encourage positive change. With Heaven’s guidance, may our Earth soon be transformed into a peaceful vegan paradise where kindness and compassion flourish for all living beings.