
La Méthode Quan Yin est toute l'entité – Partie 2/2

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In the old time, Chinese people say, “Siu- Shen, Chi- Jia, Zhi- Guo, Ping-Tian Xia.” “First, we have to practice self- discipline. And then, we can take care of the family. Then, we can rule the nation. Then, we can pacify the whole world.” That is very, very wise. If we want to turn the table and make our world become a paradise. Everyone must apply this principle. Must use our wisdom in all things, that’s why meditation is of the first importance. Meditation stabilizes our mentality, widens our vision of life, opens many new ideas. And then we live a very fulfilled life without having to struggle very hard.
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Entre Maître et disciples
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Entre Maître et disciples
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