Монгол хэл

Төгс Гэгээрсэн Их Багш Чин Хайн Диваажингийн Холбоосны тэмдэглэл, 6 хэсэгт лекцийн 5-р хэсэг, 2013 оны 08-р сарын 19, 20, 22

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Nutrition Reorientation that I had brought down, for example, Peace from God, where is God’s Love, where is God’s Light. So even how much power I brought down, I still have to continue. It’s not enough. They still continue killing, and then they nullify this power. I just have to draw a map to show where that position is. In the beginning it was very difficult. Concentration is important. I even had time to write a song for God. When I was so thankful of all the help and the guidance of all Heavens.
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