
곤경에 처한 동물들의 삶을 바꿔놓은 칭하이 무상사의 헌신적인 사랑, 2부 중 2부, 2018년 5월 22일

내용 요약
His name was Hero. I’ll always remember and I cried so much, so much, and I said, “In the name of humanity, I really apologize to you. I really am ashamed and I apologize to you. You’ll go to Heaven for sure. I’ll make sure of that.” I did not cry for him. I cried for myself and for the lot of all the dogs. For all the wild dogs that have been mistreated or have met with suffering like that, for example, or poisoning, or abused, or killed to be eaten, or for the fur, whatever. My God! We humans, we’re so savage. We say dogs are wild dogs and street dogs, but they are not as wild as some of us humans.