
Supreme Master Ching Hai Day Celebration, Part 1 of 2

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Twenty-seven years ago, on February 22, Supreme Master Ching Hai was honored for Her contributions to the world by the US states of Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin. It’s a day to celebrate the act of goodness. This year, vegan kids from around the world carefully prepared programs to express their appreciation and gratitude to Master. “Happy ya ya ya Happy ye ye ye We are happy to be Master's children. Remember You in the daytime, dream about You at night, my love deepens for You.”

“Thank You Master for guiding me to the right path. Thank You also Master that I can be vegan and be a good kid.” “I would like to say thank You Supreme Master Ching Hai for making my life easy and wonderful. I feel protected by Your love in everything that I do.” “Thank You so much Supreme Master Ching Hai for guiding me in the right direction so that I have more love for the animals and my friends and family.”

Let’s remember Master’s words about this important day. “Yes. ‘Ching Hai’ is actually not just my name. It’s a name given, and it symbolizes the Pure Ocean of Love. That is in your heart, in everyone’s heart, in all beings’ hearts. You can see that through all the charitable deeds all over the world, by individuals, by groups, organizations, with or without recognition. And you can see that through some of our animal shows. You can see how animals, they treat humans with utmost love, devotion, and help, assistance, as much as they can, whenever they have a chance to do it. And they also treat each other kindly, lovingly, charitably. So these are all members of Ching Hai Day. And I congratulate them. I thank them from my heart.”

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