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Sharing the Message of Love and Peace, Part 2 of 7, May 29, 2007

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Everyone on such a planet has a more developed mentality. They are more responsible, more loving, more kind and more understanding, more enlightened about each other’s values and the values of all beings on their planet. I think their system is more excellent. Don’t you think? (Yes.) Because of money, we have war. We have strife with each other and kind of greed and grab, and then, more or less, we worship money more than we worship God. And that’s a problem. It should be, “in God we trust,” not “in gold we trust.”

So now you know. You know, huh? I didn’t take any money. All of you hear that. I didn’t even have any money coming to me, just you yourselves, you organized together. So right now, maybe we’re OK for many more days. Right? We have enough food for how many more days? (I think we have brought some more.) Still have enough for how many more days? (Two more days.) OK, OK. You’re OK for two more days, food. So after two days, we’ll see. If not too many, I’ll pay, it doesn’t matter. If it’s a thousand or three, two thousand, it’s a bit much. We need money for [Supreme Master] TV. They eat up all my money. The TV can eat money – more than you ever can.

Without [Supreme Master] TV, I can feed you, no problem, all your life. But now we have that “giant eater.” Oh, dear! And it’s not just [Supreme Master] TV. It’s expanding and the facility and the advertisement, and the personnel, and the clothes for them, food for them, all kinds of things. House, food, clothing, presenting every day. Not just ordinary clothes but the clothes for the presenters and all kinds of small things, everything. Not just have a TV, it’s a lot of other things. Repairing and new machines, blah-blah-blah. And as we expand, we will have to spend more on machines and personnel and all kinds of stuff. And their insurance, all kinds of things. You can’t just have people without… to eat the air. We are airing news, but they are not living on air. You capisce (understand)? And they’re not wearing air, so, a lot of stuff.

Hallo! Where are you from? Who are these guys? Come, come behind there; otherwise, no room for people to walk. Must always leave a walkway for safety reasons, security. Alright. Anything else? (Master, we’re ready to go.) Where to? (UK.) Oh, UK again. Come here, come here. I have some for you. Oh, so many! Good, good. Just sometimes. I don’t always have time to give everybody. (Master, anything You give.) Get maybe your pocket or something. (Thank You.) There you are. (Bye.) (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome. Have a good trip, all of you. (Thank You, Master.) (Thank You.) (Thank You, Master.) Good trip. Good trip, baby. (Thank You.) (Thank You, Master.) (Thank You, Master.) (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome. (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome. There you are. Have a good trip home. (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome. (Thank You, Master.) Welcome, love. There, you’re going, huh? OK. Have a good time, guys. (Thank You, Master.) Find me more jokes. It’s so little.

Tell the sister if possible, to go to the bank or machine and get some more money ready for me. (Yes.) In case we need it. (Yes, Master.) Money, money, that’s all I want. Oh, it’s a funny world. It’s such a funny world that we have to depend on money to live. It’s so lousy. (Money makes the world go around.) I know, “makes the world go round.” But it’s such a funny world. We shouldn’t be depending on that piece of paper to survive, but we do. It’s horrible. This kind of system in this world is like that. In other worlds, they don’t use this system. They just have enough – they share, and so there’s nobody ever short, and nobody has too much. Everybody just has enough of what they want. That’s it – no more, no less. Everybody has enough. If our world had the same system, we wouldn’t have war; we wouldn’t have hunger. We’d just be exchanging.

The system on other planets: they’re just exchanging. Like, the engineers build the roads. Suppose they have to build a road, then the engineers build the road; the builder builds the house, the doctor treats the patients, the farmer tills his land, and they exchange services. That’s it. And everyone has a common store where everybody goes and gets what they need. And they distribute it. Everybody just has enough of what they need – not according to what they work, but according to what they need. There’s no money on such a planet. Everybody uses the same resources and protects the same environment. Everybody’s aware of the interrelation between each other and the interdependence, and they treat each other like a big family. The food is distributed evenly everywhere, to every corner of the planet – the necessities. So, everyone has access to it, and they work according to their ability. Nobody is denied food or the basics of life; no, no. But no money. They don’t carry anything to go to buy. Anywhere, if you need something, you just go in any of the storage, tell the store manager you need this, you need that, and that’s it, voilà. Go and get what you want, or he will find for you what you need. Just like you go to the supermarket, take what you want, and ask if you don’t see something you need. Then the manager will sort it out for you, but without paying. That’s it.

But everyone on such a planet has a more developed mentality. They are more responsible, more loving, more kind and more understanding, more enlightened about each other’s values and the values of all beings on their planet. I think their system is more excellent. Don’t you think? (Yes.) Because of money, we have war. We have strife with each other and kind of greed and grab, and then, more or less, we worship money more than we worship God. And that’s a problem. It should be, “in God we trust,” not “in gold we trust.” It’s just a theory right now, but perhaps one day, our planet will adopt that system. It’s going in that direction, somehow, I see, because all the rich countries now are helping the poorer countries. And it seems the brotherhood of mankind is very possible, according to the information that we collect, and we air on [Supreme Master] TV. The brotherhood of mankind may be possible very soon, and peace is very likely. It looks like that. I’m very happy. I’m getting more excited every day when I see something nearer to brotherhood, nearer to peace and love and kindness. And we can also use their system with us. So, suppose you want to stay with me or something, you don’t have to ask me anymore. My God, what is all that? You just stay with each other and work, work for the world, and exchange what you have. I don’t know if we squeeze together in one place, we can do much or not. Maybe we could, but...

Because of this system in the world already that is based on money, so we just have to go according to that for the time being. Maybe later we... slowly it will change. The mentality of people has to change, not just the system. I hope it will change because people will be more enlightened and more understanding that the money you keep, you can’t use it all for yourself. Nobody can use so much, a million dollars per day and all that. So even if he earns a lot of money, one person earns a lot of money, but everybody else profits from it. Or if he dies, then the whole family or clan will make use of it anyway. So, what’s the point of accumulating karma – bad karma – through unethical means?

For example, many bad, many not very good professions like making weapons or selling weapons, selling drugs, selling alcohol, and making alcohol – all these are not very good professions, not very conducive for the owner of that factory, very bad for him or her. It accumulates very bad karma for them. And the money they earn, the owner doesn’t spend all that on himself. Maybe he spends initially to have a good car or an airplane. But later, everybody else is using it, the money, like his relatives, his friends, employees or whoever’s related to him. And if he puts it in the bank, and the bank makes interest and all that and maybe uses it for some other not-very-good purposes... If his money is used for good purposes, then the owner of that money profits spiritually, but if not, then he will be also in trouble, bad karma. It’s no good.

So, to be fair, the person who creates all these jobs like selling weapons or making weapons, or making drugs or selling drugs, the boss of all this selling system, they don’t profit much, and they have so much headache for whatever they use. Even if they amass a lot of money, they are the boss. There’s so much responsibility. Even for a bad profession, you are also responsible. And you attract all kinds of people who come just for drugs or quick money schemes and are not very honest people. And then they don’t really help you very well, and they mess up your life, they mess up your schedule, they mess up your plans. It’s not always good to be the boss in such a business. And he has headaches all day long. He has a lot of trouble, a lot of work. And even if he has a lot of money, he doesn’t have enough mood to enjoy it.

When somebody has so much responsibility and so much headache like that, how can he enjoy anything? He might not even eat well. He might not even enjoy the luxury that he has, apart from sometimes he shows off with his friends or relatives or whoever comes and makes a deal or something. But that is very short-lived compared with what headaches he has to go through. Even if you have a good business, you also have headaches, not to talk about a bad business. You attract more bad people, and then you have more headaches. So, therefore earning money from a not-very-good profession, like the ones involved in killing or damaging people’s brain and mental well-being or emotional well-being or physical well-being, these are very harmful to the owner of the operation. Not to talk about the person who buys his products. To the owner, it’s the worst.

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