Bahasa Melayu

Jagaan Teliti dan Nasihat Guru, Bahagian 3 daripada 3, 26 September 2015

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Every time you feel like it’s not the way you want, go pray. Go in a corner somewhere. Wash your face. Cry if you want. Scream if you want in the bathroom or something. And then wash your face and then pray and then think about that. Or leave it there, do what you have to do at hand first, prioritize and think about that later and discuss later. Always make up before you sleep together, better before you go to sleep. Or you should have his room, her room and come together whenever necessary, wherever you like. So afford some space. Some people need that. Some people don’t.
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Antara Guru dengan Anak Murid
7105 Tontonan
Antara Guru dengan Anak Murid
6433 Tontonan
Antara Guru dengan Anak Murid
5844 Tontonan