
Our Merits and Love Can Change and Elevate Others, Part 4 of 7

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As for the fellow initiates, I have told you many times, if you cannot obtain a visa then never mind. Don’t resent anyone. You must send love to those people. When you meditate, you must share your merits with those who cause you trouble, so they can be uplifted. Only our merits, our love can change and elevate them. Because if we don’t love and pray for them, they will sink even lower. The lower they sink, the more difficult it is for us, for our nation to thrive. Just wait, meditate, keep praying, pray for yourself and for those people too.

So, those three people stood there, but didn’t see you sitting right in front of them. All these years, it’s always the same. No one wants to work; just stood there staring at me. When we are on duty, we must work. You can only do this job once in a while. You must think of it as an honor, a chance to serve others. They didn’t do their job, just stood there staring [at me]. The Taiwanese (Formosans) do not have… what? How do you say “excuse” in Aulacese (Vietnamese)? I forgot the Aulacese (Vietnamese) language, as I have spoken many languages, I forgot my own language. There was no reason for them to stand there staring at me like that. They have looked at me enough for decades already. Even if they did not look at me anymore, that was already enough. The Aulacese (Vietnamese) can only come here once in a while. There are foreigners from far away. Only once in a while could they sit near me to ask me one or two questions. (They were) just standing there, not doing their job. Do you think I am too strict? (No!)

You have to put yourself in other people’s shoes. Not every Aulacese (Vietnamese) or foreigner can come here as easily as the Taiwanese (Formosans). Taiwan (Formosa) is their country; they can come to see me anytime. In Âu Lạc (Vietnam), many people wanted to come here, but were not allowed to. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s the karma. The ideal of communism is very good. It was meant to protect those so-called “bees” or “ants,” who are voiceless. The commoners who toiled day and night, yet didn’t have enough food and clothes. Sometimes they were also exploited. They were exploited by the officials, by those who bribed and worked dishonestly, or the so-called “unrighteous” government who oppressed them. So, the people became furious and came together to follow the communist regime. Otherwise, one or two communist leaders could not have done much. People supported that regime as they could not put up with their current situation anymore. Therefore, we cannot say which country is communist, which is free, which one is good or not good. It’s people’s choice, or it’s the karma, the merits of that country.

I read about (the ideal of) communism and find it very good. It protects the weak, the voiceless who could be put in jail if they dare to speak up. In any country, there are situations like that. In every country, there are people who work for the government but are not honest and righteous. If such situations happen too often, the people will not support the government anymore. Therefore, they make a revolution or another regime, understand? We do not blame one or two communist leaders in the past or the present. But unfortunately, in any regime, there are always some officials who do not follow the policies put forward by their honest leaders.

We have to try our best, that’s all. At least, we are still alive, able to work hard to protect our families. And gradually, as we practice more diligently, the governments will change, the policies will change, then the people will have more freedom and happiness. The proof is that the Aulacese (Vietnamese) initiates, both inside and outside the country, have practiced diligently. Now can you see the result? The Aulacese (Vietnamese) can visit any country they want. Before, I remember, it was not easy to go overseas, not everyone could go overseas. You must have a lot of money or must be an outstanding student, then maybe you can go overseas. Otherwise, it was not easy. Nowadays, the Aulacese (Vietnamese) can travel wherever they want. I mean most of the Aulacese (Vietnamese) are free to travel. I see the Aulacese (Vietnamese) coming here all the time, and they run back and forth, like going to the market, not just one time.

Just a small number of... in Chinese they call them “the local god.” “The local god.” It means the officials who are called “local gods.” Chinese people laugh at the local officials who do not honestly do their job for the people, do not follow the government’s policies, who work in a so-called unofficial way, causing trouble for their people. They call such people local deities, or local gods, meaning they are just low-ranking officials who take advantage of their positions to cause trouble for the people. This also happened in the past, at any time, in any country. When I was a little student, usually, wherever there are banners, they said something like “A civil servant is a servant of the people,” or “A civil servant is an employee of the people,” just an employee.

But what do they do as a “servant”? If you go in there, and you don’t beg them, don’t show respect, they would not provide you anything. What kind of civil servant is that? Giving people a hard time like that is not being a servant of the people. Civil servant means an employee. In Sino-Vietnamese, “Civil servant” means an employee of the people. What sort of employee causes trouble like that? They oppress people, causing trouble for those who are “voiceless.” Therefore, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) has a saying “A mandarin’s mouth contains cast iron and steel.” If the people speak up, they will suffer a lot. One remark from the authority could send someone to jail, or stop them from doing their normal business to earn a living for themselves or their family, their old parents, and young children. There are always heart-breaking situations like these in any country.

As for the fellow initiates, I have told you many times, if you cannot obtain a visa then never mind. Don’t resent anyone. You must send love to those people. When you meditate, you must share your merits with those who cause you trouble, so they can be uplifted. Only our merits, our love can change and elevate them. Because if we don’t love and pray for them, they will sink even lower. The lower they sink, the more difficult it is for us, for our nation to thrive. Just wait, meditate, keep praying, pray for yourself and for those people too. Share your merits with them for their upliftment, because they do not know, they are not as lucky as you are.

For example, even though you cannot come here to visit me, you can still see me on [Supreme Master] TV. Nowadays, it is not necessary to travel to see each other. This era is similar to the Heavenly era. You can see me from a distance. And now, there is… What is “technique” in Aulacese (Vietnamese)? Ah, no one understands, why didn’t you study English as I had told you? “Technique”? (Technology.) Ah, “technology,” there is very advanced technology. But it is still costly. Later when it becomes more affordable, we can install some in Âu Lạc (Vietnam). I sit here, and the Aulacese (Vietnamese) in Âu Lạc (Vietnam) can see me as if I am sitting there. It is called a “hologram.” It will take some time.

If I can come over, then I will. If not, you can meditate at home, seeing the inner Master. If you’re sincere, the Master will go to your home, no need to go see Her. We are the “VIP.” If you practice well, Master has to visit you. Many people saw me in their home. Some people are not spiritual practitioners, not my official disciples, yet they still see me at home, because they are sincere, or their hearts are very pure. Like the children who often see me, even if they are not initiated yet, or prohibited by their parents. Just take care that your heart is calm, gentle, and loving toward everyone, then you will have everything.

In the beginning, when I started practicing the Quan Yin Method, I did not pray for anything. I just practiced according to the method, and whatever came, it came naturally. At that time, I did not know who I was when I first started practicing spiritually. I did not know what I would be doing. I just practiced like all of you. What shall come will come, we cannot avoid it. So, no need to pray for anything! If you think that the Master is always with you, you need not pray, I still know. Eventually, when the time comes, it will come. It is also OK to pray. Pray for progress in spiritual practice, for world peace, for the country’s prosperity. Pray for such things and pray that you will practice diligently and progress. Such prayers are enough. Don’t pray for other matters. Regarding other matters, accept your destiny as it is. Things will come naturally.

When I became a renunciate, did not think about making a fortune or having a lot of disciples. I did not! I just did my best. I thought, whatever would help my spiritual path, then I would try that. I heard Buddha talking a lot about renunciation, OK, I became a renunciate. I heard that bathing in the freezing water of the Ganges River would wash away my karma. Initiation cleansed all the karma already, but I was still afraid. Who knows, I might still have some karma. I jumped into the river, and it was freezing. I almost could not make it back, because my body, my clothes were in the water, my hair was all wet. And my hair, which floated out, became ice immediately because it was too cold. If someone saw me then, they would see my hair as icicles, or strings of crystal. I probably looked kind of ghost-like or something. Still, I jumped in three times, because I aspired to become a good practitioner, having merits to help the world.

I did not pray for anything else. Why would I need to pray? I’d already left home, what else should I pray for? He (my former husband) had two doctorate degrees. He treated me like a princess. He gave me whatever I wanted. He let me have my way. He respected and treasured me very much, gave me whatever I wanted, cherished me very much. He not only loved me, but also respected and treasured me. Life in Europe is very free. You can work to earn money to send to your parents, or take care of yourself. Europe is very good. You earn money from many kinds of work. There are always jobs in Europe. You can do any job. You don’t need to have an academic degree to have a job. There are many jobs. You can work in the factories, clean people’s homes, take care of people’s pet-people, take care of the elderly, babysit children. Plenty of jobs. These jobs do not earn you a fortune like Mr. Bill Gates’, yet you can make a living without depending on anyone. That is how we should be as humans.

As humans, we can do anything, instead of saying, “I want to be this VIP, that VIP.” If we are destined to be in a high position, we cannot run away from it, we have to accept it. Being in a high position is not that good. A lot of work; people expect a lot from you, as if you are a god who can solve any problems with magic. Sometimes, people think that if you are a high-ranking official, you can do anything. There are laws, and even higher-ranking officials – you can’t just do whatever you want. When commoners see a high-ranking official, they think, “Wow!” People don’t always admire them. Sometimes they are jealous even. But these officials are in high positions because of their merits. If they do poorly, they will be punished by Heaven later. But you cannot want their positions and get them.

There was a high-ranking official. At that time, he was practicing the Convenient Method. He wrote me a letter saying, “Master, I cannot work in this place anymore, it’s too tiring. The political competition in this Ministry is too tiring. Please let me go to the other Ministry, which is easier. Please make a miracle for me, Master.” Just a Convenient Method practitioner and asked me to make a miracle for him to transfer to another Ministry. And he was a high-ranking official, not a small employee – a minister or deputy minister. He could not bear the internal competition. That is unavoidable in the political world. The outsiders without spiritual practice, of course, if they are officials, they would compete a lot to gain a higher position. To those people, it’s good to compete for a higher position.

As I just said, we stay wherever God and Buddha placed us. We just do our best. Give 100%, and that’s it. Wherever we work, it is only to serve everyone, to serve our fellow citizens and our country. We don’t work to gain a good position, or to sit there to get paid doing nothing. That is not what an official should be. Later, he realized this, but he still transferred to another position, but it took a little while. It is not that you ask for it today, and you can go tomorrow. I said it was OK to go. After he went to the new place, he wrote to me again. Do you know what he said? “Master, after a few years, please let me go back to the former place.”

The new place was too comfortable, the work was so light. There were not enough activities, excitement, or things that could utilize his intelligent mind. Oh gosh… So boring! Tired. So boring! At the other place, he had to work a lot, too tired, and this place was too leisurely, boring. I said that previously he wanted an easy job without disputes. Now, going over there, he even got a promotion; it was not just a job transfer. He got promoted even, so good, but he still didn’t want it. I said wherever you work, just put all of your effort into it. Later on, he understood; he wrote to me, “That’s true, Master. Wherever I work, I should only think of the fellow citizens and the country. That was my ideal in the beginning when I wanted to be an official. My ideal was to serve my country and my people.” That is right. OK then.

If we have an opportunity to do what we wish and work according to our ideals, wherever we are, then it would be fine.

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