
Multi-part Series on Ancient Predictions about our Planet: Prophecy of the Golden Age Part 11 – The Prophecy of Edgar Cayce

قراءة المزيد
American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, also known as the “sleeping prophet.” Prophesize on a wide range of subjects, including environmental and spiritual predictions, relevant to climate change and present-day society. Edgar Cayce frequently prophesied the second coming of Christ. “He [Christ] will not leave thee desolate, but will come to thee…” Supreme Master Ching Hai has been promoting compassionate living and peace in the world, and meditating intensively for the world. Her positive efforts have led to the establishment of growing centers, or “groups” and “masses” as Edgar Cayce said, of supportive meditation practitioners.
مشاهدة المزيد
جميع الأجزاء (1/2)
سلسلة متعددة الأجزاء حول لتنبؤات القديمة الخاصة بكوكبنا
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سلسلة متعددة الأجزاء حول لتنبؤات القديمة الخاصة بكوكبنا
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