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Working with Supreme Master Television Gives Us That Most Sacred Opportunity to Give Back to World and Uplift Countless Souls, and This Is Most Valuable Job We Can Do

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And now we have a heartline from Gabriela in Peru:

Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television team, Truly, the Supreme Master TV team members in charge of the different programs are very noble human beings and extensions of Master’s Love. Supreme Master TV is a sacred network through which from the center, which is Master, Her collaborators spread Love to the world, beginning this noble work before it takes shape on the screens. 

While I was preparing to be a host with the noble team members from abroad in charge of my presentation, one night I had an inner vision where I saw that the Supreme Master TV team members were in a very special place. Everything was shining. They were wearing beautiful, light and bright clothes. There was a lot of peace in that place.

In another inner vision, I could see Master wearing a tiara that emitted Light and sparkles. She was wearing a golden dress, and underneath Her was the person who had been my coach as part of the host preparation. I understood that Master works through Her workers and that She is present in everything. 

We, as Master’s disciples, are directly connected to Almighty God and Master. I had been asking Master for help to dissolve my karma. This preparation to be a host brought me much inner cleansing in answer to my prayers. During my preparation, I had to go through a strong period of emotional cleansing that had been dragging on for months. This showed me the purity of the Supreme Master TV channel and that we cannot approach it, much less be representatives, if we are not completely clean in mind and heart.

Even in an inner vision, I was transported to the Quan Yin meditation Center. There, I saw angels behind me, as if protecting me and ready to help, since I also saw a demon that was lurking around. With the help of those angels, it was thrown into my inner tunnel of Light, sending it away through the Light. Supreme Master TV has a great shield of protection, and those who are inside are also protected, purified, and blessed. 

Thank You, Beloved Master, for this opportunity, and thank you to the Supreme Master Television team for your noble work. May Almighty God protect you always! Gabriela from Peru

Insightful Gabriela, Thank you for sharing your inner visions and what you saw regarding the Supreme Master TV team. It is a tremendous honor and gift to be able to help our Beloved Master, Who has worked harder than anyone could imagine life after life, and especially in this lifetime, to save our planet and rescue countless beings from a hellish fate. Her example shows the true essence of God’s Love, and it is so inspiring and touching to see Her in action. We are truly blessed and the luckiest people in the world. May you and the good-natured people of Peru find the Light of God within and express it in your daily lives, Supreme Master TV team

P.S. Master has a lovely message to share with you: “Helpful Gabriela, it is good that you could see firsthand some parts of what goes into producing the content and the spiritual process that is also a main part of that. It is not only the shows but the energy behind the people that must be of the highest possible quality. It is an immense spiritual blessing to be a host or participate in any way in Supreme Master Television’s work. We meditate on the Quan Yin to get enlightenment, but we must use that enlightenment to bless the planet. Working with Supreme Master Television gives us that most sacred opportunity to give back to the world and uplift countless souls, and this is the most valuable job we can do. May you and magical Peru bask in Heaven’s immense Light now and always. A big hug and lots of Love to you!”