A whole-food vegan and organic diet is always the best choice for healthy digestion. Sometimes, however, stress, dehydration or aging can negatively impact colon function. To help, I have an abdominal massage tip to assist moving the contents inside your colon that may help alleviate symptoms including pressure, tightness, cramping and bloating. To perform this massage, begin on the right side of your stomach down near your pelvis bone. In a smooth motion, gently rub up with your fingertips until you reach your rib bones for about a minute. Then spend another minute going straight across to the left side, and an additional minute or two working your way down to your hip bone and back up to your belly button. Repeat these steps for five to 10 minutes, always going in a clockwise motion. You may apply deeper pressure with your fingers on successive rounds if you wish. You’ll be feeling better in no time!
Abdominal Massage Tip: to Assist Moving Contents Inside Colon
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