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(As You said, enlightenment will cause us to ignore everything such as wealth, illness or a higher position in society. …but how about illness? We suffer every minute.) We just do not feel so much suffering the way we did before enlightenment, that’s all. We will tend to our body as much as we can. We give it as much comfort as it needed, and we give the medical care and all that. Should we have to suffer from illnesses, our patience, our enduring power, increases, and therefore the illness doesn’t bother us much. I do not say we ignore it completely; it doesn’t bother us that much. And even after enlightenment, many of our illnesses just disappear; it is not miracles. It is because our super-power Self awakens and regulates some of the misconstructing part in our body and destroys it. So, many people found themselves with no more cancer, and even though they were already put on the operating table, and anesthetic needles were already admitted to them, then the doctors found to their amazement that there was no more cancer there, so they were pushed outside again. So we don’t ignore the illness; illness seems to ignore enlightened people.