Sharing Ethereal Inner Visions from Reciting Most Powerful Daily Prayer Every Day
Sharing Ethereal Inner Visions from Reciting Most Powerful Daily Prayer Every Day
2025-02-13 1312 Visualizzazioni
Whenever We Do Things for Others, We Should Recall the Highest, the Greatest, and Know We Are But Instrument of the Divine
We Do Meet in Inner Visions and Can Talk Just As on Physical Plane
We Do Meet in Inner Visions and Can Talk Just As on Physical Plane
2025-02-11 853 Visualizzazioni
By Remembering and Following Fundamental Principles Master Has Taught, We Remain Under Master’s Strong, Protective Blessing
By Remembering and Following Fundamental Principles Master Has Taught, We Remain Under Master’s Strong, Protective Blessing
2025-02-10 1387 Visualizzazioni
Sharing Importance of Having Virtuous and Upright Leaders in the World to Set Example of Goodness and Purity
Sharing Importance of Having Virtuous and Upright Leaders in the World to Set Example of Goodness and Purity
2025-02-09 624 Visualizzazioni
Sharing Spreading Vegan Solution to Our Planet’s Most Pressing Problems in COP29 Event to Avoid Imminent Pandemic and Future disasters
Supreme Master TV Max Tool is Highly Effective Way for Individuals to Bless World and Transform Negativity on Earth
Supreme Master TV Max Tool is Highly Effective Way for Individuals to Bless World and Transform Negativity on Earth
2025-02-05 1698 Visualizzazioni
Seeing Placing Pictures Reverently of Past and Present Venerated Enlightened Masters At Home Together with Playing Supreme Master TV Max will Create Incredible Energy for Our Home and Community
If You Wish to Receive Initiation, Please Apply at Center Closest to You and Become Vegan Now, as That Is Part of Prerequisite for Receiving Initiation
Sharing Vivid Inner Vision at Vegan Healing Week
Sharing Vivid Inner Vision at Vegan Healing Week
2025-02-02 1063 Visualizzazioni
Elon Musk Is King of Wealth and Prosperity from Fourth Heaven, Counting Upward from Astral Realm
Elon Musk Is King of Wealth and Prosperity from Fourth Heaven, Counting Upward from Astral Realm
2025-02-01 3591 Visualizzazioni
An Inner Vision About Wearing S.M. Celestial Jewelry “Bridge 2 Heavens”
An Inner Vision About Wearing S.M. Celestial Jewelry “Bridge 2 Heavens”
2025-01-31 1413 Visualizzazioni
It Brings All Joy When Like-minded People Unite and Utilize God-given Talents for Benefit of World
It Brings All Joy When Like-minded People Unite and Utilize God-given Talents for Benefit of World
2025-01-30 896 Visualizzazioni
The Story and Music of “Loving the Silent Tears” Uplift Consciousness of Audience and Invite Celestial Beings to Grace the Occasion
Seeing that Magic Is Not Nearly As Effective for Assisting Others As Beng Enlightened Is
Seeing that Magic Is Not Nearly As Effective for Assisting Others As Beng Enlightened Is
2025-01-28 1120 Visualizzazioni
Thanks for the Grace of God, Hiers Compassion and Mercy, We Were Able to Prolong Lifeline of Planet
Thanks for the Grace of God, Hiers Compassion and Mercy, We Were Able to Prolong Lifeline of Planet
2025-01-27 2051 Visualizzazioni
It Is Very Easy to Be Deceived in Physical Realm, Hence One Should Practice Quan Yin Method Without Fail to Keep Wisdom Eye Opened
Glad that You Find Many Lifesaving and Life-enhancing Programs to Watch on Supreme Master TV
Glad that You Find Many Lifesaving and Life-enhancing Programs to Watch on Supreme Master TV
2025-01-25 630 Visualizzazioni
Sharing Story of Miraculous Recovery Thanks to Our Beloved Master
Sharing Story of Miraculous Recovery Thanks to Our Beloved Master
2025-01-24 1104 Visualizzazioni