
Spiritual Strength in Crisis Through Interfaith Unity, Part 3 of 12, Nov. 6, 1993, Laguna Beach, California, USA

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“Our elected officials and the people who serve us in government are the ones who have to deal directly with all of these problems, and they have so many different viewpoints and so many opinions and so many concerns to have to weigh in the balance. And I believe that they are good and honorable and loving people, just as generous as all the firemen and policemen and all the volunteers, giving the very best of their hearts the best they know how. And they need our support, and they need us to work with them. And so my prayer today with all of you is one of great, great thanksgiving to God. Because I do believe from this disaster many beautiful things will come for individual people and for our whole community. But I pray that we have courtesy and respect and patience and tolerance. These are the things that will make our community beautiful from within ourselves and from without for a long time to come. This is God’s Grace to us, and we are thankful for it. […]”

“(Thank you, Father Krekelberg. Now I’d like to introduce to you Dr. Tari Lennon of the Neighborhood Congregational Church.) Good morning. I represent a little different readout on what has happened to us here in this last week, and a concern that I don’t want us to ignore or overlook today, namely the concerns and reality of children. Children get affected every bit as intensely as adults do, and they don’t have all the resources that we do to help them deal with what they’re dealing with. So, in deference to the children, I want to ask all of our children who are willing to come up here because I need you to help me. We’re going to do a little antiphon. […]”

“(And now I’d like to introduce to you Arvid Mortensen of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, otherwise known as the Mormons.) […] In approximately the year 124 BC, a great King gave a farewell address to His people as he entered His period of sovereignty. Among other things, this King, whose name is recorded as Benjamin, said these words to His people after reminding them that He had worked with them with His own hands in earning His livelihood while also serving them as their King. He said, ‘I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom, that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are in the service of your God.’

As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as Mormons, we believe that that concept expressed by King Benjamin, ‘When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are in the service of your God,’ applies to all of us as members of the human family. This concept goes beyond any religious distinctions or beliefs. It is central to all of us in our interactions with each other. We have seen this kind of humble, heartfelt, unselfish service as we have united as a community to meet the challenges raised by the fire.

An old Hindu proverb says, ‘Help thy brother’s boat across, and lo! thine own has reached the shore.’ And Cicero said, ‘Kindness is produced by kindness.’ We’ve done much. We have much left to do. But through service, help to each other, and kindness, we can do together what is impossible or difficult for one to do alone. Thank you.”

Photo Caption: Something Can Look As Precious As Jewel

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