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“I now submit to the World Honored One that all Buddhas in this world appear to teach the most appropriate method which consists in using PERVASIVE SOUND. The state of samadhi can be realized by means of HEARING. […] Ananda and all you who listen here should INWARD TURN YOUR FACULTY OF HEARING TO HEAR YOUR OWN NATURE which alone achieves supreme Bodhi. That is how enlightenment is won. Buddhas as many as the Ganges’ sand entered this one gateway to Nirvana. All past Tathagatas have achieved this method. All Bodhisattvas now enter this perfection. All who practice in the future should rely on this Dharma.” ~ The Surangama SutraSamadhi means a deep meditative state. Nirvana means the highest paradise. Tathagatas means Buddhas. Bodhisattvas means spiritual practitioners. Dharma means true teaching. PERVASIVE SOUND means inner Heavenly Sound, perceived with QUAN YIN meditationMaster: That’s the best thing that happened to us – the Quan Yin Method. […] Meditate first; everything else comes along.For more details, please visit: