
The Zealous Ghost Falsely Declaring He Is Maitreya Buddha, Part 4 of 9

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Before, I did know a little bit about him (Huệ Bửu) and I doubted him, so I spoke about him in some of the FNs (Fly-in News), but not directly and not related to his name, because I know that he knows – if he read that, he would know – and I didn’t have to tell others. I thought he was just mistaken or something, and after he heard all my explanations in the Fly-in News, he would change, he would be quiet. But no, no, no. On the 23rd and 24th of August, after we had the first airing of the last Fly-in News, he immediately wrote on his Facebook.

Before that, he already threatened to ask his disciples to clarify that he is Maitreya. And then on the 23rd, 24th, he said it’s only him who can explain Maitreya Buddha’s sutra, “secretly,” in some secret detail; then he is the real Maitreya Buddha. He means himself, if he ever explains that sutra – meaning he would twist and turn it just like how he did with the Flower Adornment Sutra, to suit his own purpose. “This is a great sin! You can’t alter the sutra just to suit your own fame and gain” – that’s what the Cao Đài Saint told me.

“Facebook post by Huệ Bửu, 23 August, 2024: Maitreya Buddha was introduced by Shakyamuni Buddha. When Shakyamuni Buddha prophesied the birth of Maitreya Buddha, he knew that during that period there would be many false teachers who would claim to be Maitreya Buddha. Therefore, Shakyamuni Buddha left behind the Sutra on the Descent of Maitreya, which contains his cryptic prophecies about how to identify this 5th Buddha of the Auspicious Eon. Therefore, any Dharma teacher who can clearly expound the Sutra on the Descent of Maitreya is the true Maitreya Buddha, and those who cannot explain it are false Maitreya Buddhas.”

“Excerpts from the Facebook page ‘Maitreya Buddha’ by Huệ Bửu The youth Sudhana or Maitreya is Divinely appointed as a Child Medium in Cao Đài-ism. Aunt Tư guided me to the Tam Thanh Cao Đài Holy Temple in Khánh Hậu, Tân An, where there is a Meditation school practicing the Monotheism method or inner alchemy, and especially through Đàn Cơ (using the spiritual séance or Ouija board). […] They initiated me to become a Đồng Tử (Child Medium) in Cao Đài-ism. Now, I reiterate the interpretations of the Shakyamuni Buddha through a Spiritualist Mediumship in Cao Đài-ism. [...] Maitreya was born and nurtured within the cradle of Cao Đài-ism; He is a figure of Cao Đài-ism with a spirit of universal unity, absorbing the teachings of both Cao Đài-ism and Buddhism in depth. He practices within these two great religions!”

“Excerpts from Three-Day Ritual at the Eight Trigrams Altar in 1935: A Message from the Supreme Being: Only those who have attained the Tao and descended from [a place] above the Three Great Religions, are able to communicate with Me; no one else could, that is the LIVING MASTER. Such Enlightened Masters DO NOT JOIN in the ‘Third Great Universal Salvation of the Great Way’ (which is the so-called Cao Đài religion) to gain merit like you do, but REMAIN OUTSIDE OF IT to support My Mission of Liberation. […] I clearly tell you, my disciples, that those who do My duties in this world are called Enlightened Masters. However, there is still one ‘GRAND MASTER’ who remains hidden.”

As the Supreme Being stated in the above passage, it is clear that the “GRAND MASTER,” MAITREYA could not be among the followers of the Cao Đài religion. This indicates that the ex-Cao Đài follower Huệ Bửu falsified Cao Đài doctrines.

Now, a medium like him, is not the one who transmits, who uses his body to transmit the message. He’s just the body, like an instrument. Just like if I play guitar or mandolin sometimes, it’s not the mandolin that makes the music. It’s me who handles the mandolin and makes music out of it. Similar like that. So any medium could not declare that he’s a Buddha, just because he transmits some teaching from the Buddha for example – if the Buddha wants to use his body. But the medium has to be pure and a complete vegan. The Saints said: “He cannot eat chicken and drink alcohol” like that. He does; whenever he wants, he eats animal-people meat and drinks wine. In our Association, all the members are vegan and don’t drink alcohol, don’t steal, don’t tell lies, but he does all that. And who knows if he is still a virgin as he claims? Because the medium for Cao Đài-ism has to be a virgin. But who knows if he is still a virgin? Let me ask the Saints here if he is. Oh, “not even that.” So, of course, I don’t have any evidence. I just listen to what I’m told. Eats (animal-people) meat, drinks wine and fools around like that. He already broke many of the principles of Cao Đài-ism.

Lying is the worst sin. In Buddhism also, if you lie that you are a Buddha or you have attained complete enlightenment, that’s the greatest lie. You will go to the relentless hell forever. If he really studied Buddhism, he should know that. And if he’s really a sincere practitioner of Cao Đài-ism, he should know that. Because the Cao Đài Saints teach all of Their followers all these principles, similar to Buddhism. So, this is not a mistake. It’s deliberate.

Because he’s a zealous ghost who doesn’t want to obey his King to go to the Paradise that I made for them; just hangs around, wants to cause trouble. And then, after he didn’t follow His Majesty the Zealous Ghost King, he followed and works for Mara now. So, the Mara told him to do this and that. These couple of years, I had a lot of trouble, almost death, weakened in some points. So, they used that opportunity to rise up. They also know that Trần Tâm is going to finish his work soon.

Just like the Buddha said that the demons, ghosts and monsters fake themselves as monks and nuns or lay followers in Buddhism or other religions. “And after their power is worn out, they will be caught either by the authorities or they will just run out of attraction. Thus, many temples, monasteries will lie empty and desolate.”

“The Buddha told [Ananda], ‘[…] Should there be such a Being (Bodhisattva, Pratyeka-buddha, or Arhat), the gang of demonic monks will unite in hating Him, slandering Him […]. He will be expelled and banished; they will not let Him remain at that place. From then onwards, they will all fail to cultivate merit according to the Way. Temples will be empty and desolate, and will no longer be repaired, but will be allowed to fall into ruin. The monks will covet nothing but material goods, accumulating them without distribution, not doing good deeds. […] The reason the Way will become shallow and weak, is all because of that type of person. Some will evade the constables by taking refuge in my Way, seeking to become monks, but not practicing the precepts and ordinances. At the middle and end of the lunar month, although in name they should chant the precepts, they will be tired of it and resentful; lazy and careless, they will not wish to listen. They will select and abbreviate here and there, unwilling to speak everything. The Sutras will not be recited, and should there be readers, they will not know the characters and phrases; they will force interpretations and allege their accuracy, not bothering to ask people who know. In their haughtiness they will pursue fame, making a vain display of elegant manners with which to glorify themselves, and hope for people’s offerings. This gang of demonic monks will be doomed to fall spirit and soul into Avici Hell after the end of their fated lives.’” ~ Excerpt from “The Ultimate Extinction of the Dharma Sutra”

“Media Report from WION – Jan. 11, 2024, Aditi Singh: The Nepal police have arrested Ram Bahadur, the self-claimed spiritual leader who’s also known as ‘Buddha boy.’ Now, the god-man is facing allegations of abductions and rape of his followers. The authorities said that they arrested the 33-year-old man from a house on the outskirts of the capital city of Kathmandu, and they also confiscated bank notes amounting to over US$227,000. Now, officials also found foreign currencies amounting to US$23,000.”

“Excerpt from ‘Preparing for the trial of the former abbot of Phước Quang pagoda for using many tactics to defraud 68 billion VND (US$2.7 million)’: Never before have we witnessed so many people who used to be monks and religious leaders yet engaged in deceitful and fraudulent activities as we did in 2021-2022. A series of former monks and abbots were exposed, and only when the press reported it and the authorities got involved did these fake monks and fake teachers reveal their true faces as professional scammers. The Vĩnh Long Provincial People's Procuracy has issued an indictment to prosecute Phạm Văn Cung, 40 years old, former abbot of Phước Quang Pagoda, and Nguyễn Tuấn Sĩ, 54 years old, residing in Vĩnh Long City, for fraud and appropriation of property. Cung organized many programs and events to build his own reputation. Cung introduced himself to the victims as being acquainted with many high-ranking leaders. He made video clips about the charitable activities of Phước Quang Pagoda and the Suối Nguồn Tình Thương Buddhist Orphanage Center, in which he was the main figure, and posted them on social media. Through these videos, Cung promoted his image and gained the trust of many people. Through this, Cung introduced his charitable work and described the arduous conditions of raising orphans to elicit their sympathy and assistance. Cung also fabricated events to borrow money. In total, Phạm Văn Cung borrowed over 77.7 billion VND (US$3.1 million) from four people for personal expenses, leading to an inability to repay. After being reported, Cung returned nearly 10 billion VND (US$400,000) to the victims. Thus, the amount Cung still owes is over 67.7 billion VND (US$2.7 million).”

“Excerpt from ‘Phước Quang Pagoda in Tam Bình on the full moon day of the first lunar month is empty and desolate’: I am currently in front of Phước Quang Temple, which is located at number 02 Võ Tấn Đức Street, Cluster 2, Tam Bình Town, Vĩnh Long Province. Today is the 15th day of the first lunar month, 2021, which is the full moon day of the first month. A few months ago, the abbot of this temple was accused of fraudulently taking over property.

Youtuber: You can’t sell a lot of tickets out here in the temple this year, right?

Lady: Yes. I just go to the temple.

Youtuber: Yes. In previous years, was the temple busier, ma'am?

Lady: Still less. (Isn't it?) Right, in recent years, not many people came to the temple. But it was a lot more in the past.

Youtuber: So, there were a lot more in the past.”

“Excerpts from ‘MONKS PUNISHED BY THE BUDDHIST CHURCH’: On June 19th, the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha announced a disciplinary action against monk Thích Chân Quang. Accordingly, he is prohibited from preaching in any form or presiding over large gatherings at Thiền Tôn Phật Quang temple or any other location for two years. This decision was based on a notification from the Standing Committee of the Executive Council of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha. According to the notification, the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha received numerous complaints from Buddhists, the public, and the media, stating that the teachings of Most Venerable Thích Chân Quang caused confusion in society, provoked community reactions, diminished faith in Buddhism, and damaged the reputation of the Sangha. Monk Thích Chân Quang is well-known on social media for his controversial statements about karma, calls for donations, and his criticisms of other monks. On social platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok, it is easy to find his contentious remarks. Some of monk Thích Chân Quang’s controversial statements include: ‘You must find high-denomination bills and give them to the abbot. Only then can the abbot carry out the religious work,’ ‘Why do you have such a beautiful face? It’s because in a previous life, you participated in a statue casting ceremony and also made offerings,’ ‘Those with a true religious heart will even donate their house to the temple and move elsewhere,’ and ‘Those who sing karaoke a lot have a high risk of becoming mute ghosts after death.’ If Mr. Thích Chân Quang is found to have violated regulations, strict action will be taken. According to the same newspaper, monk Thích Chân Quang’s statements in online videos are inconsistent with Buddhist teachings, laws, cultural traditions, and the history of Vietnam, and he altered the precepts in the Three Jewels Certificate of Buddhism.”

“Excerpt from ‘Visiting Phật Quang Temple of Thích Chân Quang – So deserted and quiet it gives chills’: It's very quiet. No sound at all, very quiet. The temple scenery seems peaceful, but it feels very sad, so gloomy. It is so deserted, absolutely empty, no people at all. It's so quiet, so sad.”

“Excerpt from ‘Sex, drugs, money and murder in Thailand’s Monkhood | Foreign Correspondent’ by ABC News In-depth – Aug. 8, 2024, Lauren Day: Tucked away in the valleys of north-eastern Thailand, this temple was once raking in millions in cash, gold and jewels from wealthy donors. The temptation proved too much for its monks. Well, it’s pretty quiet here today, but just a year ago, this place was swarming with dozens of cops who’d just made an incredible discovery and blown open one of the biggest cases of temple fraud in Thailand’s history. It’s centered on one of the country’s most famous monks, Phra Khom, who’d developed a loyal following among the rich and famous. I’ve come to find out how police cracked the case. Lieutenant Colonel Parnumas Saengsong was a part of the team which raided the temple and brought down Phra Khom and six other monks. How did this case land on your desk?

Parnumas Saengsong: The Crime Suppression Division had received complaints from some of Phra Khom’s disciples about his inappropriate behavior in having sex with men.

Lauren Day: What started as a sex scandal quickly turned into something much bigger.

Parnumas Saengsong: So we dug further into their financial activities. The most important finding was evidence that Phra Khom had deposited money into his sister’s account.

Lauren Day: Officers brought Phra Khom in for questioning. Then he made a rookie error. He called his monks from the police station and told them to hide the loot.

Parnumas Saengsong: Some had hidden it in the bell tower. So we found and seized it. Some had buried it in the hills behind the temple and covered it with monk robes. [Then go dig the soil and bury it]

Lauren Day: They were caught red-handed, as pictures from the raid captured.

Parnumas Saengsong: We interrogated them until they took us to dig it up. They were hidden in lots of places. In the woods and in the hills, many locations.

Lauren Day: So this was jewelry that people had donated, right?

Parnumas Saengsong: Those gold bars and ornaments were meant to be melted down to form a tiered top on the stupa. Mostly these are gold. Gold bars.

Lauren Day: Wow. Look at that gold. Phra Khom has since been jailed for his part in embezzling a staggering $12 million AUD (US$8,000,000) in temple funds.

Parnumas Saengsong: Our investigation team was stunned by the amount of money from people who believe in Buddhism who donated their money to support Buddhism. But these people took it for themselves.”

“Media Report from CBS Boston – Feb. 15, 2024, Laura Haefeli: The Cathedral of the Holy Cross is the largest Roman Catholic Church in Boston. It fits nearly 1,500 people but the pews are emptier than ever.

The Reverend Dr. Francis X. Clooney, Phd: I've been a priest for 45 years now, and I think it's a great blessing. But I think like every other intelligent Catholic, there would be things that the Church stands for and the things the Church says that I, in fact, am not happy with.

Laura Haefeli: Right now, 30% of Boston adults identify as Catholic. That number is down 20% since 2000 across the US. In Boston?

The Reverend Dr. Francis X. Clooney, Phd: Maybe 40% due to various things – particularly the sex abuse scandal; anger at statements from the Vatican.

Laura Haefeli: Statements ostracizing Catholics who call Church home.”

Demons, monsters and ghosts do have some attractive power because they are different than the human standard. We humans have power also but are suppressed because we have been doing things that suppress all our power or we vowed to work without the power because in the maya world, which is this world, you’re not allowed to use power. If you came from Heaven, you’re not allowed to use obvious magical power to attract people. Only the demons, monsters and devils can do that because they have controlled this world since long ago.

Photo Caption: Together Healing, Greening, Beautifying, Heaven Longing!

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