
Wisdom from an Ascended Master: Selections from Letters by the Ascended Master Morya (vegetarian), Part 1 of 2

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Today, we are delighted to share a selection of letters from the book “The First Ray” by its Chohan, the Ascended Master El Morya, compiled and edited by Thomas Printz.

Master Morya’s Service to Life

“Let the Crystal Ray of Divine Illumination fill your minds this day and dissolve the shadows of human concepts, opinions, and confusions. Let the full Light of Divine Intelligence utilize the instrument of the brain structure and carry your endeavors, individually and collectively, toward a successful and happy manifestation!

To give directions clearly is a beautiful talent, to receive them accurately is a major accomplishment, to draw the energies and substance of life together to obey those directions – is the most commendable of all!

This is My service to Life, to clear away the substance and energy that is lodged in the lifestream through centuries of misqualified energy, to open the natural channel through which the Christ Self may connect with the outer consciousness, and through the personal self, accomplish Its Cosmic purpose. […]

Thus through illumined, conscious understanding, the ‘head’ would be efficacious in directing the energies of any who might choose to look toward It for assistance. Through the radiation of the Masters of Love and the nurturing of the individual God qualities through the lifestreams chosen to ‘channel’ the God Nature, We hoped to nourish the students as the heart nourishes the body. […]”

“The scattering of the spiritual seeds has borne good fruit in the small matter of a twelve-month and most remarkable, the response has been from those desiring to participate in Active Service, not from the spiritual dilettantes who flit from ‘movement to movement’ sipping the spiritual nectar of each unfolding flower, but desiring to contribute no energies in serving the Plan. […]

By offering to draw together rhythmically those who have spiritually pledged themselves to encourage such service, it is Our desire to not only bless them through Our Presence, but to enable them to bring the results of their endeavors in the field to the attention of the co-operative group, that the greatest assistance might be rendered the whole. […]

Remember the attention of good souls is directed toward you over the entire known world now for love, for wisdom, for balance, for guidance, for manifest brotherhood, patience, kindness, and understanding! Yours, in Hope! Morya”

The Great Abyss

“The great abyss has been safely crossed by many gentle feet this past year, since first I stretched out My hands to form the bridge between Our octave and your own. I waited, hoping that your own hands might grasp Mine so that our united strengths might form a firm passage over which the feet of man could walk in safety into the Realms of Truth! […]”
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