
Faith and Experiences, Part 5 of 12

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(And I’m afraid that falling down, it makes it very difficult to go back up again.) I know. OK. Don’t worry about it. You will go back up again. That’s just one of the places, that is the borderline. When you cross it, you go to the (inner Heavenly) Light. You nearly got there. Don’t give up! Don’t! […] But of course, it is dangerous without a guide because it’s very dark there. But with a guide, you go further and see the (inner Heavenly) Light again. […] Every time you’re scared like that, you pray to the inner Master, and then the inner Master will come and guide you. Actually, the inner Master is always there. […]

Let the men. And you (women) come later. Because you just talked now, and now it’s them. To be fair. Right? OK? (Hallo, Master. In my meditation, I’ve come to a certain point where it seems like a barrier. And I can’t seem to cross over. And the way I feel is like a sense of giving up. But then I say to myself, “No, continue. You’re almost there.”) How do you know when it’s a barrier? (It seems like I’m sort of crossing over. I feel that sensation as if I’m crossing over. But then I’m not, I’m in a state of in-between.) Why? (I don’t know. That’s why I need Your help.) Then how do I know? It’s your decision.

If you want to cross over, you cross over. If you want to hang around, hang around. (Alright. I have been trying my best. I haven’t actually eaten for two days either. I’ve used that time for meditation. And that’s really helping me as well. Yes.) Well, if I were you, just cross over and get it done with. (I’m trying my best here, but I can’t seem to cross over.) You cannot seem to? (Yes.) Oh, then try again. Yeah, try again. Sometimes the last steps are the hardest. (That’s right, yes.) You know, like when you climb the mountain, to the peak, it’s the hardest time. Try again. Don’t worry. There’s no hurry. You’re doing well. (OK, thank You.)

Yes? (About 20 years ago, I was practicing Zen.) Yes. (I accidentally went to this black place, very dark. Not even the meditation would work there. I asked the master about it. He didn’t know anything about it. So I got scared. And I think from that time on, I went backwards. I went down instead of up. And no master knew what that place was. I got scared. I thought it was some dark devil place. Devil prison?) Yes. Did you feel bad in there? (It scared me because I thought that the master said meditation will take you everywhere, but it doesn’t work there – at that place.) OK.

(And I’m afraid that falling down, it makes it very difficult to go back up again.) I know. OK. Don’t worry about it. You will go back up again. That’s just one of the places, that is the borderline. When you cross it, you go to the (inner Heavenly) Light. You nearly got there. Don’t give up! Don’t! It’s just your master didn’t know. It doesn’t mean that it’s dangerous. But of course, it is dangerous without a guide because it’s very dark there. But with a guide, you go further and see the (inner Heavenly) Light again. Don’t worry. Continue. Every time you’re scared like that, you pray to the inner Master, and then the inner Master will come and guide you. Actually, the inner Master is always there. But if you cry for help louder, maybe then, he says, “OK. I’m here. I’m here. Shut up.” Alright? (Yes. Thank You.) Yes, you’re very welcome, and I’m very impressed that you continue meditation for 10 years until the darkness scared you.

What about before that? Did you see (inner Heavenly) Light? (Not much [inner Heavenly] Light, I heard sometimes other masters would come and talk and ask questions. Sometimes I would hear beautiful voices saying nice things. And sometimes I would see earthquakes or something like that.) You mean beforehand? (Yes.) You can foresee the future? (A little bit.) That’s not a nice thing to see, earthquake, is it? (No. No.) Then you have to experience it twice. Right? (Yes.) OK. Well, you have been to some of the lower levels of consciousness where people can have some magical power, like seeing the future, or hearing predictions, things like that. But you have to go further. OK? Don’t be worried. Will be OK. (OK.)

Next one. ([Supreme Master] Ching Hai, I was wondering if You are familiar with the work of Dr. Chen on nutritional research and provisions? She’s been awarded international and national awards. Her organization is E. Excel in Springville, Utah. I’ve been using her products now for a couple of months, and some of the people from the San Jose Center for much longer with good results. This is more on the B12 issue. Because that’s only one of the many things that her product provides.) Well, I’m not familiar. (I’ll try and provide more information or see that You get some information on that.) I only need information when it’s necessary. I only seek information when necessary. When I feel healthy and... You saw the picture last night. Don’t worry about my nutrition.

(I just wanted to mention that because of some of the questioning,) Yes. (and it seems like it’s something that people could take advantage of.) OK. If they need it, they’ll come to you. (Go to the San Jose Center…) San Jose Center. (...for information.) Good. (They could contact [a sister] in San Jose [Center]. She’s one of Your security guards.) Security guard? Mine? I don’t even know her. Never mind. Thank you for the information. And if people do need, they will seek it themselves. I cannot recommend one thing or another. Except, generally speaking, like vitamin this and vitamin that. But thank you very much. Thank you very much. (Thank You.) It’s good that you find something good for you to eat. Alright.

Who was it? Next one. OK, there. And then the women. OK? (Yes, Master. I have a question regarding the medical establishment and Reiki healing.) What healing? (Reiki.) Reiki. (I come from Vancouver, Canada. And a hospital there is experimenting with having a Reiki) Yes. (therapist come to the hospital. And if the experiment is successful, they want to incorporate the Reiki experiment and the Reiki healing with the hospital.) You are the doctor? (No, I’m not, no.) Then why you ask this question? (Because I’m wondering if the hospital incorporates that, does the Reiki therapist consider himself as part doctor, so it’s OK to…?) The hospital, that’s their business. It’s not our business. (I see.) The hospital, of course, they find any way to cure their patients. That’s OK.

(I think they do it to cut down on their costs.) Then it’s OK with them. (Yes.) I cannot mind what the hospitals do. (I see. OK.) I just tell you what it does to you individually, and if it fits our practice. And you can take the advice, or don’t take the advice. (Yes. OK. Thank You.) Yes. (OK.) But the hospital, like all other places, they practice anything they want. As long as it benefits the patient and their profession provides it that way, it’s OK with me. The hospital, they also take a lot of other kinds of practices. Just for us, we’re going this way. We have to mind our own spiritual progress. Then we try to avoid this, avoid that so that we progress quicker. OK.

(Hallo, Master.) Hallo, you can’t speak English? (English?) English, no? (No, only French.) OK. OK. (This is to add a short word about algae and...) To say what? (A few words about algae, about B12.) (The algae. He’s trying to speak a little bit more about algae.) Ah, yes, yes. (Not a long time, not a long time. There is an exceptional kind of algae called Klamath which is said to be collected in Oregon, United States. It contains very little sodium because it comes from fresh water, unlike other algae coming from sea water. It is very, very rich in B12; it seems to be the most exceptional on the planet. That’s it.) Yes, I know, I know. (He was talking about the same blue-green algae.) Here, here. I know, I know. It’s the same thing. You give it to her, so she can translate to the English world. (He was mentioning an algae, it’s called the Klamath Algae. And I believe it’s the same blue-green algae that the lady over there was talking about.) Yes. (It grows in non-salted water, therefore there’s as not much sodium content in it. So the blue-green algae is one of the greatest ones for vitamin B12 or all the Bs.)

Actually, those vitamin B from nature, like seaweed and all that, they do not make so much trouble for the human body. Whatever the surplus, the body will eliminate it. Because I know one guy, I knew him from India; he’s from Canada, and he ate only raw food. Because he contracted some kind of disease before, and then he gave up cooked food. So he ate only raw food. And then he ate a lot of algae. He ate a lot of them also. But I didn’t see him having any high blood pressure. He was very pink, and his lips were so red, like you put lipstick on. Really! He was very healthy. But he ate sometimes chapatis, he cheated. It’s not always raw food. But most of the time he ate raw food, and juice and all that, and he looked quite healthy. Ate a lot of alfalfa and... (Sprouts?) There’s another name for that. Algae? (Seaweed, spirulina, algae, they’re all the same, from the same category.) Yeah, yeah. There’s another name I forgot. They call it a different name. So, it’s alright. It’s alright. Oh, cabbage is also very good for you. You know, white cabbage? (Cabbage, yes.) When you don’t eat (animal-people) meat, you should eat cabbage. But that also has a side effect. It gives you the... (Goiter.) Yeah, yeah. Then you have to eat… to use iodized salt, then it will neutralize that effect. Yeah, you see: you have this, and then you don’t have that, you have to “add in” forever. Just be moderate in all things. Thank you, sir. That’s it!

The woman. Now you can ask any questions. No more B12, please. (I have a question similar to the brother who asked about the Quan Yin messengers. Which female Quan Yin messenger would be good to talk to?) What female? (Quan Yin messenger.) (She would like to be a Quan Yin messenger. Who should she talk to?) Oh! Oh my God! My God! Well, you can go to... I think... I don’t know. I don’t have any females. Are there any females? Oh, there, look at that! Yes! Yes! Her! OK, huh? Alright. Also, there are some Chinese there. There’s... Tong is here. (Tong.) Yeah, can talk to her. See if you are OK. We could do with some more Occidental faces.

Just yesterday, I had been talking to the Quan Yin messengers, the male and female. And I said, “What happened to all my Occidental residents?” And they said, “Oh! They’ve all gone home.” I said, “What’s wrong?” They said, “No, the mentality is different. They’re not prepared to work hard and go through tests, and they take it easy, and they’re casual, and all that.” I said, “Oh, you have to be patient. They are of course different. They have different karma and different thinking, different background. So, we have to be patient. It is very good of them that they forsake everything and come to us, and want to stay, and want to be trained.” And I said, “Look at you. Remember how patient I had to be with you? Fifteen years, ten years, five years, and you’re still like this, like this! Don’t complain to me that they are like that.”

So we had a good talk. And I said, “In the future, if any of the Occidental people who really fit or have the destiny to come, you have to welcome them and make them feel at home and be patient with them. Teach them how to initiate people, of course, that’s the main thing. It’s not only for working, endurance or anything. Because we have to think of the whole world. Not just individual clashes of personalities, and a little lack of patience and mentality differences here and there. Of course, the Chinese and the Aulacese (Vietnamese), maybe they work harder. They’re used to more hardship and they endure the rubbing better. They’re used to rubbing shoulders with each other. Shoulders and elbows, they’re used to it.

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