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“Even with the strictest greenhouse gas emission limit, the Earth’s temperature is still expected to rise another 3.5°C within decades…” Oh, God! They say if it rises to 2°C, then we cannot bear it already. We should keep it below two degrees. But at the rate it is like this, that means maybe altogether from normal it will rise to like five degrees. So I don’t know where we go. “… which would result in the death of the Amazon rainforest.” Wow! Then we’re doomed. “Massive hurricanes smashing coastal cities, vast runaway release of methane from melting permafrost and ultimately mass extinctions.” Already, we see that disasters have become more frequent, prolonged and deadlier. “Earth is presently experiencing the sixth great extinction. We have lost 40% of our forest.” 40%! The forest is our lungs. Not just the ocean. And we lost 40% already. And we lost 50% of our wetlands. Fifty percent of wetlands! That’s cooling the Earth also. “Scientists now estimate the rate of biodiversity loss is more than a thousand times faster than at any other time in the Earth’s fossil record.” And it’s accelerating. It’s not just that, it’s going up and up. It’s not just the loss of biodiversity, but it’s our lives. Another 30 years, maybe we all die. Understand? (Yes.) So the United Nations says something like, the accelerating loss of biodiversity poses a “fundamental threat” to “the survival of humankind.” Saying all the time. We have to do something. Make a law. Stop eating meat, stop fishing. Stop killing animals. Watch or download the full lecture “Vegan Trends Around the World” for free at by searching: “Vegan Trends”