
Un Regalo de Amor: Cocinando Simple y Nutritivo con la Maestra Suprema Ching Hai: Plato de Espinacas y Remolacha /Sopa de Berros /Jamón Vegetariano Salteado y Pollo Vegetariano

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Simple cooking, Chinese, just spinach and beetroot that’s all we need. Boil the spinach, and you can use hot water to rinse the beetroot, make it warmer a little. Then you just pour a little bit of soya sauce, soya paste. Stir fry sauce is fine. We can use this boiled spinach water as a broth to cook the soup. Whatever you have, maybe watercress or some mustard plant like this,we wait for it to boil again, then you put vegetable in, and tofu and seasoning, it’s very simple soup. This is called simple cooking, not fast food but quick.