And one thing I have to tell you honestly, without America’s support, without President Trump, you will never, never, never have peace in your country. You might even lose your country. Because Europe wasn’t ready for war. It was very difficult for them to give any weapons to you. You know it yourself. […] After three years of war, how much suffering already? And now Europe wants to show their strength and to show that they are your friends, better than the Americans. How long can they support you? So think about that. Also, you can’t blame them. As the Europeans just took a breath from war, rebuilding their lands and enjoying their prosperity in peace. It is not fair for them to sacrifice their lives, to be forced into war, just because someone else wanted it! […]
One man’s pride is nothing compared to the whole country’s wellness and world peace. So please, reconsider, make friends with President Trump, make Him know your sincerity, and do sign the contract that you initially agreed to. Do not turn away from that contract of that peace deal. If you continue to work with the Americans and Americans have interest in and business with your country, that means Russia will more likely leave your country alone. They wouldn’t dare to make war with America. […] Please be better than your enemy. Be something great that your children will admire, that your countrymen will be grateful for, and be a good son of God, good child of God. God never wants any war. […]
And one thing I beg both of you and all of you, the leaders in the world, please, please immediately install a system for veganism. Destroy all the slaughterhouses in the world where all killing - war is going on every second of peace life in this world. Every little butcher knife falling down on any animal-people, that is a knife to chop away peace in this world. It might not be immediately, but it will build up and make war again. […]