There are so many traps everywhere - always keeping the 5 moral precepts, honoring and following the guidance of the Master
Seeing Not Initiated Wonderful Souls Pass Away and Go to the Buddha’s Land
Seeing Not Initiated Wonderful Souls Pass Away and Go to the Buddha’s Land
2022-11-14 2745 Views
Deep Trust in the Master Power Helped me Escape Death
Deep Trust in the Master Power Helped me Escape Death
2022-11-13 2638 Views
Seeing a Relative Repent to God, Become Vegan and His Soul Get Saved
Seeing a Relative Repent to God, Become Vegan and His Soul Get Saved
2022-11-11 3342 Views
Seeing the Vegan Diet Save Humankind: Wars Are the Retribution of Killing Animal-people
With Spiritual Wisdom We Can Discern Truth from Fiction: Seeing Who Prime Minister Boris Johnson and President Donald Trump Are
Seeing Supreme Master Television Broadcasting Infinite Light And Blessing Every Corner of the World
Seeing Mother through the Psychic Intermediary Picked up by Master's Winged Carriage to Heaven
Seeing the Consequences of Climate Change, We Must Meditate Diligently and Spread Compassion
Killing Animal-people in the Name of Religion and "Health" Is the Complete Opposite of What Heaven Wants
Practice diligently to usher in the New Era
Practice diligently to usher in the New Era
2022-10-22 3721 Views
Seeing Master in the Inner Meditation Vision Save the World in Her Incarnations with Different Identities in Different Times
Omniscience, the sign by which a Master Is Recognized: Seeing Master's Compassion, Love and Liberation of Five Generations
Practicing well and following the precepts can keep you in the loving protection of the Divine: a story of inner Master’s help for one to elude a major motor accident
The animal-folk are living angels for humans — the story of a cat-person who risked his life to protect human companion
Seeing in the Inner Vision Master Eliminate the Darkness Attempting to Encompass Earth and the Future of Ukrainian (Ureignian) People
Time is Truly Running Out and May Humans Awaken Now: Seeing in Dreams the Enormous Consequences of Meat-eating and Begging for Rescue from the Animal-people
Goodness Begets Goodness: Heaven Protects the Benevolent Medical Team that Cares for Those COVID-19 Infected
Seeing During Meditation Master Give Pearls to Protect Fellow Initiates in Confronting Obstacles
The Experience of Switching from the Fishing Industry to a Benevolent Job and Getting Initiation to Practice Spirituality Elevates Body, Mind and Soul