
Blessings: Master Meets with Disciples, Compilation I, Part 8 of 8

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I don’t usually come and sit here. There are so many people that they come all the time and eat like in a restaurant. Let’s divide it up. Divide it, divide. (Yes.) No matter how much. Bring it home and put it in the... I thought you were sad. OK. Good girl. Understand? (Yes, I understand.) There’s not enough manpower here. (I’ll take the basket.) You bring it in. (Yes.) Put it there and leave it until tomorrow. (Yes.) There is not enough manpower. The country is small, but so many of you come and eat it all up. Buy them all, but it’s even better if you don’t get sick. Because there are so few people. There are too many people, understand?

It’s cold here. Try! OK, mate? (My local Center would like to send their regards to Master.) OK. Send them my thanks. Same, same for me. And you do this better. Are you back today too? (Yes, I haven’t returned yet. About two more days.) Come back strong! How much longer? (If anyone wants to go home, go home.) Share it with everyone. Put it in a large bin... (Mix.) Mix. Mix it in and think of Master, love immediately comes. (Yes.) OK. See you soon. Ciao!

Why do they raise their hands? Only those who do not have it need to raise hands. Anybody who don’t have? Raise hand. Everybody have, right? (Yes.) (Yes.) Very good. Yesterday I gave you some of this, remember? And my dog(-person) was very unhappy. You don’t give him (vegan) chocolate cookies. No. No, no, no, you cannot just give dog(-people) anything. (OK.) Chocolate is no good for dog(-people); it can kill them. Don’t do that, OK? If you want to give them something, you have to ask me. (Yes.) Do you want some (vegan) chocolate? Are you Chinese? (Yes. Finished.) (Mongolia.) Mongolia. Finished? Everybody has? (Yes.) Is there anyone who doesn’t have? (I don’t have.) You did not have? Nothing? (This, no.) You have enough? (Yes, I already have.) Already have. (I didn’t get any.) OK, my love. Here, you want that or you want this? (Sure.) Whatever you like. OK. (Yes, thank You.)

Working team. (Yes.) Here. It’s for the working team. (OK.) Everyone one piece, I’m sorry, don’t have a lot. (OK, thank You, Master.) This is for you and him. Two, you see. (Yes.) And, hallo? Working team. There. (OK.) Where is your mask? (I’m OK.) OK. Everybody gets one piece. This. (OK.) And give it to the man who does the heater. (OK.) One more heater will be coming. And then we will be better. Today I want to cover myself like a spy. I need a mask, otherwise it’s too… Up there in the kitchen. (Up there in the kitchen.) Go to the kitchen. Where did you get it? (Just in there.) In where? (It’s inside on the shelf in Master’s house. I’ll go look for it.) Yes. That’s my stuff, and you take it? You don’t ask me?

Here, come, everybody, take one. (Thank You, Master.) Take one, OK? (Thanks, Master.) You fold it. (Yes, Master.) Where did it go? Clean? (Yes.) OK, then you take one by one, give it to them. (OK. Yes.) Don’t talk, don’t talk when doing that. Not allowed. OK, good. Right. And this one you don’t use, so pluck it out. I did already, to save the standby electricity. These two days you don’t cook for me, even while you did not. OK. I need a mask, then I go up. OK, OK, I do it, I do it. I know it, mama, thank you. I saw it yesterday. Everybody has some. If it’s not enough, give them some more. Give some more to the cameraman and everybody one more. (Yes.) Because they still have more.

Oh, the dog(-person). (I think he wants.) OK, I heard you. OK, good, good. That’s for everybody. What is that? (Give the dog[-person].) Oh. OK. Luxury. I normally don’t give him dog(-person) too much. Where is the bowl? (It’s over here.) Clean bowl. (Yes.) Bowl, where? (Here.) Come here. Here, in the light. Or you want to sit there? Where do you want to sit? Sit down, then you have it. Where? Good. OK, sit down then. OK, OK. Never mind about that. Come here. Here, here, sit. Come on. I don’t have good things now, but today I gave him some vegan shrimp, cold vegan shrimp, uncooked. The vegan cold shrimp. And he likes it. There you go. Enough for that. For snacks too much.

What is that? (I want to give it to the working team.) They have already. (They have already? OK.) This is all for you guys. (OK. Thank You.) Do you have a lot? Do you still have some there? Give it more to them. One each for them, and then the rest give to the kitchen outside. (Yes, thank You.) (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome. Master does everything, Master knows everything. What is this here? Some more (vegan) cake? Wow, that is cool. Very cool. You share, OK? (OK.) Yeah. Share together. (Yes, Master.) And then… Not a lot, huh?

Do they have it? (Yes, they do.) Is that all? (OK.) Give him extra. (Enough. Enough.) One more piece. (Enough. Thanks.) Mongolia. (Only one piece.) You break it, everyone has a little. OK, whoever. This is extra. Extra. You ate already, this is extra.

Does it feel warmer? Later it will be warm. Later it will be much warmer. (Yes, thank You.) And we block everything like this, so not too much draft. (Yes.) And you feel better already? (Yes, feel better.) (It’s very cozy outside.) Is it? (Yes.) I’m glad. OK, here is much better. We have to tie it. Otherwise, it will blow.

It’s going to be warmer and warmer now because of the heater. We have one more. What is that, there? OK, very good. You come here. OK, like this. One more heater must have somewhere here, OK? (OK.) Somewhere here. And then facing that way. (Yes, OK.) And the air will be warm, understand? (OK.) Might not be very hot, hot, but warm and dry. And you feel more comfortable. If you catch anywhere, a little thing you can tuck in, then just do that. And that tape, can you tape it up? The broken tape, tape it back up. Yeah, like that. That’s good. No, no, that is fine. (OK.) If we have one more, then we don’t have to move that. (OK.) This will be very warm here. (OK. Thank You, Master.)

I was just worried about the rain yesterday. I am not afraid of the cold. Can somebody translate for each other? Translation? (Yes.) For each other. I’m not worried about the cold too much, because in the cold we can always have heaters like this. But I wonder why nobody thinks about that. I had to tell them. If it was warmer, you wouldn’t have had a cold like this. Understand? OK. This gas burner is not bad. If it is too bright, I cover it. No problem. I’m not worried much about the cold, because if it’s cold, we can put a heater, and even more heaters. If not warm enough, we put five, six, seven, ten heaters, then it would be very warm. I worry about the rain. Because when it rains, if there’s any leaking, then you get wet. You wet here, wet there, wet everywhere, and this is a problem.

Only when it rains, then we know wet or not. But right now, you did a good job. All of the guys did a good job, because you tape some areas, and it looks good. The windproof, it’s good. Just the rain, I don’t know. At least we did a patch up, all this, before the rain kept coming down here. And I hope this time it’s better. (It rained yesterday, but not today.) It rained only a little bit yesterday. Did it rain heavily? (It was alright.) (In the afternoon.) (The rain was a little heavier in the afternoon.) A little bit is nothing. A light rain for a short time is alright. It only matters when it rains for a long time. Understand? Enough. No more (vegan) cakes. And you feel better? (Yes. Thank You, Master.) We have one more. If we will have one more, one more heater and then it will be very warm here.

Photo Caption: Be Happy Knowing God!

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