Veg – The Diet of Lawyers – Part 25:07Veg – The Diet of Lawyers – Part 2We share so much in common with animals, like the most basic thing – our sentience. So, there’s no reason that we can’t extend basic fairness to them too. […] We have to think in terms of, these are our family members, these are our beloved animals who deserve rights. They are sentient beings and deserve all the same rights that we have, and we have to respect them as such. The Universe is not forÉlite Veg2025-01-17 1630 Visualizzazioni34396p720p1080p2025-01-17Élite Veg Veg – The Diet of Lawyers – Part 14:33Veg – The Diet of Lawyers – Part 1We need better, stronger laws for animals. […] I think we have some hearts and minds we need to change to broaden support for the idea that animals are individuals. And I believe we’re certainly getting there. We need politicians and judges and lawyers that are open-minded in terms of animal issues, and having lawyers at the government level that care about animals would make a huge difference. AnÉlite Veg2025-01-10 2439 Visualizzazioni67396p720p1080p2025-01-10Élite Veg Vegan Elite Kids5:25Vegan Elite Kids“I am vegan because… If the animals are hurt, I am hurt.” ——Kimaya (vegan), Co-President of Animal Hero Kids, Environmentalist and animal rights activist, USA “Our society is literally built on the bones of animals. Everything we eat, everything we wear, almost everything we do in some way, shape or form, we are contributing to the suffering of innocent sentient beings.” ——Angelina Poli (vegan), AÉlite Veg2020-08-16 8110 Visualizzazioni188396p720p1080p2020-08-16Élite Veg Veg - The Successful Executive Diet5:49Veg - The Successful Executive DietÉlite Veg2020-02-01 5877 Visualizzazioni132396p720p1080p2020-02-01Élite Veg VEG L’alimentazione dei medici 27:10VEG L’alimentazione dei medici 2È essenziale, a mio avviso, che i medici includano la nutrizione nella cura dei pazienti, perché con la nutrizione siamo in grado d’influire sulle malattie croniche in modo molto positivo.La nutrizione è la cosa più importante che i medici dovrebbero sapere, perché determina molteplici aspetti della malattia.Con la diminuzione dei prodotti animali nel modello alimentare, si vedono iÉlite Veg2020-01-06 11112 Visualizzazioni146396p720p1080p2020-01-06Élite Veg VEG L’alimentazione dei medici 15:12VEG L’alimentazione dei medici 1L’unica azione individuale, che è un gioco da ragazzi e che tutti dovremmo fare, è semplicemente smettere di mangiare carne.Se riuscirete a compiere il profondo cambiamento, aspettatevi anche profondi cambiamenti nel vostro aspetto fisico, nei vostri livelli di attività e nel vostro modo di apparire per quanto riguarda l’età!Quando diventerete vegani, mente e spirito diventeranno piùÉlite Veg2020-01-03 7962 Visualizzazioni128396p720p720pHQ1080p2020-01-03Élite Veg Veg - The Diet of Martial Arts Masters and Champions5:42Veg - The Diet of Martial Arts Masters and Champions“The plant-based food is becoming a more and more popular choice for training of the pro-fighters in all disciplines around the world.” “I feel like I have more energy now that I don’t eat the meat products, and I also feel like I recover better in between my workouts.” “First, we have less distracting thoughts. Second, the vegetarian diet is really helpful for our body’s strength, endurance and pÉlite Veg2019-12-24 7233 Visualizzazioni118396p720p720pHQ1080p2019-12-24Élite Veg World Vegan/Vegetarian Elite #17:11World Vegan/Vegetarian Elite #1Élite Veg2019-07-12 6395 Visualizzazioni92396p720p1080p2019-07-12Élite Veg World Vegan/Vegetarian Elite #27:49World Vegan/Vegetarian Elite #2Élite Veg2019-07-12 5814 Visualizzazioni81396p720p1080p2019-07-12Élite Veg Veg - The Fashion Trend6:25Veg - The Fashion TrendÉlite Veg2019-01-14 5724 Visualizzazioni74396p720p720pHQ1080p2019-01-14Élite Veg The Nobel Diet2:12The Nobel DietÉlite Veg2018-02-25 5146 Visualizzazioni63396p720p720pHQ1080p2018-02-25Élite Veg