Bahasa Indonesia

Sutra Surangama: Empat Instruksi yang Jelas dan Tak Dapat Diubah tentang Kemurnian (Penutup) & Mendirikan Tempat untuk Kebangkitan, Bagian ke-3 dari 8 Seri

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Sometimes, the comfortable place doesn’t mean a good place. You might not have peace at the end; not peace within yourself only, but peace with other coordinating people. “Whatever is good for the world, and good for other people, then I would do it, no matter what.” And now, Buddha’s talking about Ananda’s private life, “Your past lives with Matangi’s daughter created accumulated kalpas of causes and conditions. Yet, as soon as I proclaimed it (the spiritual mantra), she was freed forever from the affection in her heart and accomplished Arhatship…
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