
By Combining Most Powerful Daily Prayer and Supreme Master TV Max, We Can Truly Fill the World with Light as Every Person Can Use Their Devices to Become a Healing Agent for the Planet

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And now we have a heartline from Xin-Cen in China:

My inner vision has once again confirmed that everything You say is absolutely true. Having been following Master to practice spiritually for decades, I’m grateful for the many miracles You have granted me. 

In the morning of November 5, 2024, during my Quan Yin meditation, I saw that Supreme Master TV was broadcasting in the deep blue sky. It was especially eye-catching because the light blue background of the news program with the red SM logo contrasted with the deep blue sky. I was surprised. Why is Supreme Master TV broadcasting in the sky? I instinctively looked around and behind myself, and saw that devices placed in different positions were also playing Supreme Master TV at the same time with Supreme Master TV in the sky. I was amazed, and saw an invisible energy surging and changing rapidly in the sky; I understood clearly it was the energy conversion. The Universe has been elevated because of the broadcasting of Supreme Master TV. I felt that I was a vertical straight line, with strong energy on both sides of the line, constantly shrinking and expanding from top to bottom like wavelengths. Each contraction made the next expansion more extended and broader until it finally became a synchronized and powerful contraction and expansion.

I originally thought that the Supreme Master TV in the sky was a projection of Supreme Master TV on Earth, but I was told that it’s a projection by Compassionate God-Master from the higher Universe, even from the Source of the Universe. Its purpose is to transmit Heaven’s Love and Blessing Power through the powerful channel of Supreme Master TV to the Earth and the Universe, infusing the planet and beings with energy for salvation, healing, and spiritual upliftment. It is also through this channel that sentient beings could receive God’s Love and Blessing, enabling their spiritual awakening and elevation. It turned out that it is the holy purpose behind Master’s consistent teachings and emphasis on playing Supreme Master TV through multiple windows. Thus, I deeply realize what a great and ingenious Universal Designer Master is. For the survival of the Earth and the safety of all beings, Master, with unparalleled Love, Compassion, and Wisdom, established Supreme Master TV.

Meanwhile, I exclaimed how fortunate and blessed we are to become Master’s disciples. As long as we trust the living, enlightened Master wholeheartedly, we’ll always witness miracles, enjoy miracles, and even become miracles. I deeply love You and thank You, the Almighty Maitreya Buddha-Master! Xin-Cen from China

Joyous Xin-Cen, Thank you for your note. Indeed, Master is truly the most ingenious Universal Designer. It is remarkable how Her plan for helping Earth has unfolded!

Master has a loving message for you: “Perceptive Xin-Cen, thank you for being a sincere, diligent Quan Yin practitioner and God’s devotee, thus gaining some universal knowledge. Through Supreme Master Television, the human world is truly connected now in a way that it never was in the past and because it is broadcast worldwide. This allows Blessing Power to reach the entire globe at once. Now, by combining the most Powerful Daily Prayer and Supreme Master TV Max, we can truly fill the world with Light as every person can use their devices to become a healing agent for the planet. If all do just that and become vegan, we will have Heaven on Earth very soon! May Heaven’s Will be done. May you and fortunate China always bask in the Benevolent Light of the Buddhas. You are in my loving heart forever!”