
Make DIY Hand Sanitizer

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One thing that COVID-19 taught us was to pay more careful attention to daily sanitation practices when we are out and about, or coming home from outside, so today, I have a tip on how to make a DIY hand sanitizer. You can make a gel version by mixing three parts of isopropyl alcohol to one part of aloe vera gel. Then add in several drops of tea tree oil to give it a nice smell. You can make a spray version if you want something that’s less sticky, but more potent. In a 500-milliliter spray bottle, mix together 350 milliliters (12 fluid ounces) of isopropyl alcohol with 10 milliliters (2 teaspoons) of glycerol. Vegan glycerol is an important ingredient because it prevents the alcohol from drying out your hands. If you can’t get glycerol, just continue with the rest of the recipe and be sure to moisturize your hands after using the sanitizer. Add 15 milliliters (1 tablespoon) of hydrogen peroxide and 85 milliliters (3 fluid ounces) of distilled or boiled (then cooled) water. If you want to give it a pleasant smell, add some essential oil to the mixture. Shake the bottle well before each application. You can also spray the mixture on a small towel if you want to make a hygiene wipe.